View Full Version : Discus and Goldfish

04-27-2010, 01:22 PM
I recently say a youtube video with Discus and Goldfish in a Bare Bottom Tank. The rational for keeping Discus with Goldfish is that the Goldfish keep he bottom of the tank very clean because they are constantly moving. the only disadvantages I can think of are that Goldfish produce alot of ammonia and they grow to a large size. Perhaps one godfish and under stocking the tank with regular water changes would work. Any opinions or ideas. Thanks.


04-27-2010, 01:32 PM
Well, I wouldn't keep a goldfish in a discus tank simply because they won't tolerate the high temperature of a discus tank.

Surely, they'll live if acclimated over time, but it's not the right environment for them.

If you do daily water change anyway, you can siphon out any uneaten food and debris. There's really no point for a goldfish.

Get a pleco or cory cats that can tolerate the high temperature.

04-27-2010, 02:33 PM
Goldfish are poo-poo machines.

Just say "NO".


04-27-2010, 02:48 PM
Goldfish are poo-poo machines.

Just say "NO".


I've got a 4 inch Albino BN pleco in with my discus that's a pretty good poo-poo machine as well. Although he does consume any algae.

04-27-2010, 04:06 PM
I've got a 4 inch Albino BN pleco in with my discus that's a pretty good poo-poo machine as well. Although he does consume any algae.

I think all BN pleco's extrude one long, continuous, never ending turd that just breaks off every so often. But it's easy to clean and is made out of tank wall goo and algea, so it's OK.

Darrell Ward
04-27-2010, 04:28 PM
I've heard this before, and it's one of the most ridiculous ideas out there. People who do this are ignorant about goldfish, and discus.

04-27-2010, 06:29 PM
I suppose I am ignorant then, because I happen to have discus and goldfish in the same tank.

The only thing I have found to be wrong with this scenario is that my goldfish's lifespan may be shortened by the high temperatures, but thus far they have been absolutely thriving in my set up. It may also be luck, I'm not sure. Their waste doesn't even affect the ammonia levels either, everything has always been stable and I have always had a solid reading of 0 for ammonia. They don't interact with the discus, and the discus don't mind their company.

Mind you, I didn't intend for this set up. I had the goldfish first, and my mom decided to buy me the discus without either of us having knowledge of them, and I cannot part with my golds. I do plan to separate them one day, but for now this is what I have and this is my two cents :)

04-27-2010, 08:26 PM
Its kinda crazy, since Goldfish are just a carp from Asia and can grow up to 2 ft long, they need alot of room and cold water, I wouldnt put a $50 discus with a 2$ goldfish, I'd be afraid of it getting sick or something+ the goldfish could live in a bucket, why waste all the time and energy on it?

04-27-2010, 08:47 PM
Not to mention how natural they would look together...

04-27-2010, 10:08 PM
Did you see this video clip?


I wouldn't recommend it, they are from two different types of water conditions.


Darrell Ward
04-27-2010, 11:57 PM
I suppose I am ignorant then, because I happen to have discus and goldfish in the same tank.

The only thing I have found to be wrong with this scenario is that my goldfish's lifespan may be shortened by the high temperatures, but thus far they have been absolutely thriving in my set up. It may also be luck, I'm not sure. Their waste doesn't even affect the ammonia levels either, everything has always been stable and I have always had a solid reading of 0 for ammonia. They don't interact with the discus, and the discus don't mind their company.

Mind you, I didn't intend for this set up. I had the goldfish first, and my mom decided to buy me the discus without either of us having knowledge of them, and I cannot part with my golds. I do plan to separate them one day, but for now this is what I have and this is my two cents :)

I didn't mean any offence, I was primarily referring to people who do this with the intention of the goldfish being scavengers for the discus. Their reasoning is that they don't have to clean up after their discus because the goldfish will eat the leftovers. Crazy idea.

04-28-2010, 11:43 AM
Oh! Okay. I do agree with you on that, and I do get slammed alot for my combination :/ but for some reason it works out. I have two black moors who run into things alot, they're incredibly clumsy. Eventually I'll separate them.

04-28-2010, 04:16 PM
Hows this for discus and goldfish!?

Poor, poor Discus


Double Up
04-28-2010, 05:28 PM
Hows this for discus and goldfish!?

Poor, poor Discus


Thats just not right. I didnt think it was possible for a discus to be in that bad of condition and still be alive. I've got a hundred bucks that says that fish didnt make it throught he night!

04-28-2010, 06:17 PM
Hows this for discus and goldfish!?

Poor, poor Discus


Wow! That is really sad those discus look horrible.....why would someone even do that....:(

04-28-2010, 11:18 PM
mlw your the youtube video show very stress and stunted Blue Discus. However this may not be attributed to the Goldfish. It may have to do with poor water quality. There is a youtube video that shows very healthy Discus with a Goldfish. Thanks for sharing your video it is good to see both sides of the issue of Goldfish and Discus. Thanks

04-28-2010, 11:23 PM
I agree with RJR, it does seem like a poor water quality issue, or perhaps disease or other kinds of improper care.

04-28-2010, 11:40 PM
Really sad to see care like that on discus. Its obviously malnourished and stunted. Does the owner think that is what discus should look like and post it happily on youtube?

04-28-2010, 11:44 PM
By the title of the video, I think so..sadly.

04-28-2010, 11:52 PM
Don't do it

04-29-2010, 12:08 PM
mlw your the youtube video show very stress and stunted Blue Discus. However this may not be attributed to the Goldfish. It may have to do with poor water quality. There is a youtube video that shows very healthy Discus with a Goldfish. Thanks for sharing your video it is good to see both sides of the issue of Goldfish and Discus. Thanks

You are absolutely right it may not have been directly related to the goldfish. Possibly indirectly the goldfish could be affecting the discus. The water quality issue could be because the goldfish creates so much waste or it eats all the food or the water is too cool or maybe it was purchased sick and the improper water conditions made things worse. We will never know.

The point I was trying to make is when people combine fish that require completely different water parameters one fish species usually suffers. People who are knowledgeable usually have better outcomes. Clearly the person that owns that particular tank is not knowledgeable nor do they seem to care about properly housing either species. And before I jump on my "Responsible Fishkeeper" soap box I will end by saying poor little discus. Breaks my heart :(

Darrell Ward
04-29-2010, 03:22 PM
Thats just not right. I didnt think it was possible for a discus to be in that bad of condition and still be alive. I've got a hundred bucks that says that fish didnt make it throught he night!

As sad as it is, I have seen emaciated discus like this live for months and months in LFS tanks. How do they live without eating in this condition? I don't know. It's really amazing when you stop and think about it. A human would die pretty quickly without eating. A fish can live for months, infested with parasites, sick, emaciated, and not eating. Pretty tough creatures if you ask me. However, a fish in this condition would not likely recover, and I think it's more humane just to kill the the fish and end the suffering.