View Full Version : Anyone know the best place to get aquarium plants?

04-27-2010, 02:29 PM
hello everyone

im getting another tank, this one is going to be a 100 gallon acryllic. i want to try to plant this tank and was wondering if anyone have any suggestions on a supplier? thanks in advance.

04-27-2010, 02:48 PM
The swap n shop section of plantedtank.net is my favorite place to get plants. You get the best prices since most of the sellers are people from the hobby selling off their trimmings.

04-27-2010, 02:50 PM
plantedtank.net as was mentioned or aquabid.com

04-27-2010, 02:51 PM
I sell extra plants on plantedtank and aquaticplantcentral. Both are good. Some times you can find local people as well who will can help you out even more.

04-27-2010, 04:08 PM
I like to buy plants from swap n' shop area from plantedtank.net and I think getting from a hobbyist is usually the way to go. You usually get more for your money that way and some plants are only available through hobbyists.

However, if you're setting up a new tank, have specific plants in mind and wants to get enough plants to heavily plant a 100g tank, then maybe getting it from an online store like aquariumplants.com is the way to go.

When you buy it from hobbyist, you usually get 1 or 2 plants that you want from one guy. It's hard to find somebody selling exactly the plants you want. So you might have to buy it from multiple people, pay multiple shipping charges and also wait to find some of the plants you might want, depending on supply/demand.

If you get a package from an online store, you can get all the plants at once and spend a day planting everything at once.

I still like to buy it from hobbyist, but I think buying from stores has some advantages that may be better for your situation.

Hope this helps.

04-28-2010, 01:32 AM
Thanks everyone for the Input. Just outta curiosity anyone here use the low tech style and have much success? I wanna go low tech because I don't wanna deal with the CO2. However my tank comes with dual 175 watt halides and 4 60 watt atinic. Should I just invest in a CO2 injection system because I already have the lights?

04-28-2010, 02:41 AM
lots of planted web sites out there, lots of poeple selling/giving away plants out there.

I know I sell mine for what it costs me in gas/shiping ( About $10)

If you keep the MH on for short photo periods, you will most likly be ok with out CO2. Its hard to say, every tank is diffrent.

04-28-2010, 03:29 AM
Do you like the actinics? They don't do anything for the plants, but some people like the way they make the fish look.

You can do a really nice low tech tank. Picking the right plants will be very important. A good substrate helps too. CO2 is very helpful, but not required.

04-28-2010, 03:49 AM
Aquariums Plants.com they have great variety and price.

04-28-2010, 10:31 AM
I'm not good at acronyms...... What is MH? I think the atinics would look good in a planted tank. It make s my blue diamonds glow.

Ok totally off the subject, my one year old daughter is saying I Lu u to me :) kids are great!

04-28-2010, 10:56 AM
Sorry, MH means metal halide.

To follow you off subject, I have one boy that is just about to turn 1 and another that turns 3 in August. It is so much fun to see them learn and grow, especially when they use it to show their love for others.

04-28-2010, 11:43 AM
Sorry, MH means metal halide.

To follow you off subject, I have one boy that is just about to turn 1 and another that turns 3 in August. It is so much fun to see them learn and grow, especially when they use it to show their love for others.

:) too bad I don't know how to resize photos. I would like to post some pics on the progress of this tank :( Even the pics on my iphone are too large.
Game plan:
1. find ideal substrate
2. plant and driftwood placement design
3. plant selection, select cleanup crew
4. buy fertilizers, tester, macro and micro elements

hopefully, im not missing anything here.

04-28-2010, 12:02 PM
I end up using the basic Microsoft Paint to resize images.

04-28-2010, 04:24 PM
:) just rec'd a great delivery of plants for my DW from Aquabotanic,(Rob't Hudson) great communication & pkging.....very happy with the pkg he put together while we checked his website....nice plants, nice guy........... http://www.aquabotanicstore.com/


04-28-2010, 05:18 PM
I just ordered a new netbook. Gonna pick it up this wknd. Maybe then I can resize some of these photos.

Just ordered some eco complete from Petco for $15.99/bag with free shipping.

Now this substrate is dark in color. Will this effect my discus? I was thinking about layering the bottom with this stuff and using a light substrate on top. Is this a good idea?

04-28-2010, 06:25 PM
For pics of planted tank, it's better to upload them on a photobucket account or similar, then link to them here. That way we can see bigger pictures! It's hard to see planted tanks using the smaller pics attached here.

It's quite easy to do that. Just create an account, upload pics and to post them here, you hit share and there's a bunch of codes. Copy the one that starts with and past them on your post. You can preview the post to see if it shows the picture.

:)[I] just rec'd a great delivery of plants for my DW from Aquabotanic,(Rob't Hudson) great communication & pkging.....very happy with the pkg he put together while we checked his website....nice plants, nice guy........... http://www.aquabotanicstore.com/

I bought equipment from Robert, never plants, but I second this, he's a good guy.

04-29-2010, 09:40 AM
I think ill just order my first batch from him

04-29-2010, 12:56 PM
I agree that sellers on plantedtank.net or aquaticplantcentral.com are good, but watch out for people trying to rip you off by offering "RAOK" or "rare"/"mystery"/"exotic" packages. Do a little research before getting ripped off.

Also make sure you know what shipping method is being used. Lastly, actual photos of what you're buying is always nice to see so that you're not surprised to find out you just bought a 1" trimming, or 2" plantlet.

04-29-2010, 03:40 PM
:) just rec'd a great delivery of plants for my DW from Aquabotanic,(Rob't Hudson) great communication & pkging.....very happy with the pkg he put together while we checked his website....nice plants, nice guy........... http://www.aquabotanicstore.com/


I looked around on plantedtanks.net. I think that is a wonderful resource if I have an established tank and looking to add a few plants here and there. Since im starting a new 100 gallon planted i think im gonna go with http://www.aquabotanicstore.com/. I can cut down the shipping/handling cost by purchasing from one supplier. Plus I have heard others say good things about this supplier. Thanks everyone!

04-29-2010, 03:56 PM
That sounds like a very good plan. I look forward to seeing your results.

04-29-2010, 04:01 PM
I looked around on plantedtanks.net. I think that is a wonderful resource if I have an established tank and looking to add a few plants here and there. Since im starting a new 100 gallon planted i think im gonna go with http://www.aquabotanicstore.com/. I can cut down the shipping/handling cost by purchasing from one supplier. Plus I have heard others say good things about this supplier. Thanks everyone!
Yeah, I agree with you. I went the route of buying plants from other people over a long period of time. But my tank doesn't even have substrate.

I think it's easier to buy everything at once, save on shipping and get exactly what you want, when you're starting a new tank. That's why I suggested that.

Let us know how it goes!

04-29-2010, 04:47 PM
While shopping for plants, some are potted while some are not. What is the difference and should I keep them in the pot when I plant them into my tank? If so, will that slow them from spreading?

04-29-2010, 04:58 PM
The potted plants should be taken out and separated so the plants can be planted individually. They will spread a lot faster that way. The stem plants that are not potted, are just clippings, but they grow fast and take root easily.

04-30-2010, 01:32 AM
hmmm, you guys were satisfied with AquaBotanic? My experience was disappointing. Maybe my $50 order was too small or too little. Plants i received was either partially dying and utterly disappointing quality of plants. Additionally, i waited three weeks before receiiving my order. Never again.

Yes, i would say his web site is excellent.

I'll just stick to my LFS and fellow plant hobbyists for me plants.

angel eyes
04-30-2010, 02:28 AM

*AquaBid Bayleesfishees came highly recommended to me recently by two older discus showers

*ThatPetPlace.com also came recommended http://www.thatpetplace.com/pet/cat/info/23204/category.web

*I've use aquariumplants.com and have had good luck with them too (as my lfs are too pricy..the plants they do carry are usually soo small and shipping them in from aquariumplants just simply ends up being cheaper). Sign up for there e-mail and from time to time I receive promos with discounted shipping.
I have yet to try aquabotanic, freshwateraquariumplants.com,

*I've ordered from MikesWetPets before too and the plants were amazing from him!
http://stores.ebay.com/Mikeswetpets-Aquarium-Plants and here's his online store

*Also Oddball Pets stocks/grows great plants that are extremely healthy. You can even call them if your looking for a certain one/type and they will usually even ship it if need be (even when you don't see it on there site) http://www.oddballonline.com/plants.html

04-30-2010, 01:40 PM
hmmm, you guys were satisfied with AquaBotanic? My experience was disappointing. Maybe my $50 order was too small or too little. Plants i received was either partially dying and utterly disappointing quality of plants. Additionally, i waited three weeks before receiiving my order. Never again.

Yes, i would say his web site is excellent.

I'll just stick to my LFS and fellow plant hobbyists for me plants.

Hopefully my $100 plus dollar order works out differently :confused: