View Full Version : Cofffee Filter basket in Australia?

04-28-2010, 11:00 AM
Anyone here know of a place in Australia where you get the filter baskets people use for holding the fry for artificial raising?

I know most of you are from the US but its worth a try


04-28-2010, 11:22 AM
Here is a very rough drawing of the old shoebox method. It has been used for 20+ years and works fine. You float this in a larger tank. Something like a 75. It keeps the fry contained yet they get the benefits of the large water volume. I would normally keep older fry in the 75 gallon tank and they will eat any of the bbs that get though the shoebox and out the netting. I just use a piece of string to try the ends of the pvc to each other, but any method to hold the pvc to the shoebox will work.



04-28-2010, 12:09 PM
Anyone here know of a place in Australia where you get the filter baskets people use for holding the fry for artificial raising?

I know most of you are from the US but its worth a try


Give breville or sunbeam a call they will help....

04-28-2010, 08:51 PM
I made one from a 75mm length of 150mm stormwater pipe and put some 300micron stainless mesh on the base.

I dont know if it works yet because my pair stopped laying a few months ago.