View Full Version : Geo's or Angels

Mr Wild
05-03-2010, 03:43 AM
I am shifting some fish around and want to know which is the better of the 2 to put with my discus.

I am thinking geos but would like to hear from someone that has either in their tank to comment so I can make an informed decision.

My discus are all adults and the geos are 13cm juvies.

It will only be for about 3 months while I set up a small fish room (14 tanks)

Any help appreciated.

05-03-2010, 05:42 AM
I would put in Geo's , as long as you have a deep enough layer of sand they can sift through !
Geo's are usually gentle and should get on well enough.

Don Trinko
05-03-2010, 06:37 AM
Angels can be very agresive. Unless your discus are agressive eaters they will not get enough to eat. All IMO; Don T.

05-03-2010, 07:22 AM
Almost anything is better then angels.


Mr Wild
05-03-2010, 09:01 AM

05-03-2010, 11:30 AM
What size are your geos?

Technically Geos are bottom dwellers they will constantly be on the move and at feeding times they will out feed discus by far.
So depending on the size of your geos and size of your tank you may be able to get away with. I have 4 geos babies in my discus tank that are my own F1s. They are about 4inch in size and 4 months old.

With that said they will not harm discus by any means but can sure starve them.

But Angels, to my experience will harm discus. Mine got extremely space sensitive.

05-03-2010, 01:08 PM
I have angels with discus and have not had any problems. However I separated the angels by sex. I have 3 adult male angels in a tank with 6 4.5 inch discus. They get a long fine. The angels feed mostly top side and the discus along the bottom. I feed foods they both enjoy and make sure everyone gets enough. With no females in the tank there doesn't appear to be anything to fight over...:D

I'm not sure I would do this with my other tank of mixed sex angels as they get aggressive over territory.

05-03-2010, 07:52 PM
I just parted with my geo's. They started out small with no issues. They cleaned scrapes and kept the sand moved.

Then they outgrow my discus, out competed them for food and lastly figured out they could run the tank. They never attacked the discus just herded them to one side of the tank. I guess 90g wasn't enough. With all that said they're beautiful and now in my wife's work tank. Within a day the discus were all over the tank like it was new again.


05-03-2010, 09:12 PM
i never had a problem with discus and angels but i QT both, and got them close to the same size. see my photos they where in a 7 foot 125 84x16x22 . I say it just depends on the angelfish and discus. i had small angelfish chase big angelfish and the big angelfish be scared of the small ones.

05-03-2010, 10:27 PM
I've kept my Heckel discus with both altums previously and currently eartheaters (biotodoma wavrini and satanoperca leutostricta). The EE's are not geos, but they're similar.

I find both the angels and the EEs suitable tankmates. However, what I notice is that with the boisterous angels, the discus tend to be more outgoing as well, perhaps emboldened by the bold angels. With the more gentle EEs, they display the more timid Heckel nature more and are slightly more skittish and timid.

Mr Wild
05-04-2010, 03:21 AM
The geos I have would be about 5 inches max. The discus are all large adults.
I have 5 geos and 10 discus they would be in a 6x2x2.

Or I could have the geos and angels togther in the 6x2x2 and the discus in a 3x2x2 - that would be overstocked but I can easily do 50% wc every day for the discus if I went that way.

What do you think?

05-04-2010, 03:29 AM
Looks like it will dpend on the type of Geo you have. Do you know what type the are ?

It's true that they do tend to grow very big, but I would always advise the bigger tank for the discus of course !

Mr Wild
05-04-2010, 03:30 AM

It will only be for a couple of months until my fish room is finished then they will have their own digs.

They are geo Altifrons II

05-04-2010, 05:00 AM
Beautifull fish ! I would love to have some of them.

It shouldn't be problematic on the short term and will be very interesting to observe.