View Full Version : Do all albino discus have poor eyesight?

05-17-2010, 01:22 AM
One albino I saw in my friend's tank, needed to aim and bite like 4, 5 times just to get one worm. First I thought may be the flow in the tank is too strong, but other regular discus were eating without any problem. (there was only one albino in the tank) Also it doesn't see blood worm in the dark substrate.
Just wondering whether it is that particular discus or all albino discus have the same trouble.

If all albino are the same, I think if you mix albino and regular, albino will get way less food for sure.

05-17-2010, 01:31 AM
Generally speaking yes albinos tend to not see as well compared to a non-albino discus. They may need to make more than one attempt to get food off the bottom. However the albinos that i have had mixed with non-albinos didn't seem to have a problem competing for food.

05-17-2010, 02:03 AM
I think may be it is the light. He has a planted tank with T5 light on it. I was just reading about albino after my post and some suggest that albino eyesight is worse in bright light.

05-17-2010, 02:20 AM
Yes, IME

05-17-2010, 03:19 AM
i noticed albino's have poor eye sights too, comparing to non albino's.

05-17-2010, 10:27 AM
It may be depth perception rather than eyesight, but most of the 11 albinos that I have can find their food as well as the non-albinos, and a few of my non-albinos have a tough time hitting it. Still, it may be that albinos have more issues accurately striking their food than non - my group is a pretty tiny test group.

05-17-2010, 05:26 PM
What kind of lighting do you have on the tank?

05-17-2010, 05:44 PM
I have two 90-watt compact lights on my 125 and a 15 watt strip light on the 55 gallon with albinos and, I think, 15 watts on my 29s.

05-17-2010, 06:31 PM
Albinos, not having any black pigments in the eye, tend to gather more light in the eye causing white out and difficulty seeing clearly in conditions of bright light. In very dim light some albinos can actually see better due to this same reason, ability to gather more light into the eye.

Inability to hit food accurately i believe is mostly due to other causes, as non albino discus suffer from this as well. As to weather albinos suffer a higher percentage of mishits than non albinos, i don't know. But many of my albino hit ratio is perfectly normal and i feel this mishit is more of a breeding fault.

i don't keep any lights at all on my discus tanks, just moderately dim room lighting. Perhaps in brightly lit tanks the mishit ratio is higher.

05-17-2010, 06:38 PM
How about albinos with intermediate pigmented eyes? I have had very good results with my albinos with intermediate eyes finding food compared to my non-albino fish. Actually my albinos eat more and find food faster than most of the fish in my tank (AFs,ELs,BDs). They do seem to grow much slower than the others but they do always eat well. The light over my tank is just one 39 watt T5 bulb.

05-15-2011, 06:24 AM
[QUOTE=Rod;645714]Albinos, not having any black pigments in the eye, tend to gather more light in the eye causing white out and difficulty seeing clearly in conditions of bright light. In very dim light some albinos can actually see better due to this same reason, ability to gather more light into the eye.


Maybe this is the reason my albino pairs lay all over the show, eggs are never bunched close together. could it be that they have trouble against the white PVC? Any ideas?

05-16-2011, 10:25 PM
I have one albino Striated-type APD from Kenny that does have poor eyesight and misses a lot; however, it has traditionally more than made up for this deficit through sheer aggression, driving away competitors and gorging itself on the largest piles of food, where it is guaranteed to hit something. That fish has also been a slow grower; it is now 5.5'', very robust, and becoming much less aggressive as it matures. The lighting is a single 54-watt T5HO filtered through floating plants.


05-18-2011, 11:05 AM
This is interesting, I´ll follow this post.

I´ve not seen any difference between albinos and not albinso when feeding. My light is... LED.

05-19-2011, 02:48 AM
What kind of glass do you use? clean? painted? covered with paper, vinyl or something?

I´ve seen differences between painted, not painted... when they try to take the food from the bottom, painted works better, no reflection.