View Full Version : Lesbian Leopards???

05-19-2010, 03:34 AM
GOD DAM IT! Ok so I just came home to find both my leopards laying eggs!!!!! Never before had I seen such a large thing on the suspected male but now I have seen with my own eyes and eggs coming out of both of them!!!

Why Oh why would two fish do this? Are they stupid or just plain stupid???

So the question I have now is that they are very close to one another, how do you break the bond? I have just returned from the fish shop and they are going to get me in another Leopard a male one they say in 2 weeks.

Do I put all three into a tank to fight it out? Not sure as this is very new to me.


grant :-)

05-19-2010, 06:12 AM
GOD DAM IT! Ok so I just came home to find both my leopards laying eggs!!!!! Never before had I seen such a large thing on the suspected male but now I have seen with my own eyes and eggs coming out of both of them!!!

Why Oh why would two fish do this? Are they stupid or just plain stupid???

So the question I have now is that they are very close to one another, how do you break the bond? I have just returned from the fish shop and they are going to get me in another Leopard a male one they say in 2 weeks.

Do I put all three into a tank to fight it out? Not sure as this is very new to me.


grant :-)

That sucks Grant, not sure what I'd do with the new one since the LFS can't sex them anyways. You'll probably just be throwing another female in. :o

05-19-2010, 06:28 AM
Yeah I don't know how they would do this.....He seams sure to get me one. All I can guess is that they will get a known male but then they ay as well get me a breeding pair. I will cal again tomorrow to find out.

I am watching them now and they are even caring for each others eggs :-)

Not happy but hey what can I do? I have been waiting months for these to get fry :-)

Any ideas?

05-19-2010, 08:40 AM
He seams sure to get me one.

Did he tell you the pair you bought were a male and a female? If so, why would you believe him this time? Still, he has a 50/50 chance of getting it right and if that were the lottery odds, I'd buy tickets. When Rod is practically on your doorstep, why don't you call him? I bet he'd find you a nice male. Buying discus from the lfs when he is so close makes no sense to me, particularly when you are looking for a breeding-quality male.

05-19-2010, 08:59 AM
It seems that there are so many lesbian pairs out there. Wouldn't it be grate to have a syringe full of spirm so we can manualy fert the eggs and let the two females take it from there. I can imagine it now, you open up your fridge and you have every type of strain in separate syringes.

05-19-2010, 09:02 AM
It seems that there are so many lesbian pairs out there. Wouldn't it be grate to have a syringe full of spirm so we can manualy fert the eggs and let the two females take it from there. I can imagine it now, you open up your fridge and you have every type of strain in separate syringes.

Hey, like Gattaca....create the most supreme beings (discus)

05-19-2010, 10:47 AM
Haha yea like Gattaca,

This is already being done with all sorts of animals, including horses and cows. Why not discus? I guess it could be done with some mega reserching.

05-19-2010, 12:17 PM
Gattaca. I love that movie. In the end, she took her chances.

I thought when you get (great stock) discus from a sponsor that's close to supreme. I think if you if you could make the perfect discus from the fridge it would take the fun out of it.

Are we not trying to create are own idea of the perfect discus for ourselves? Would you really want a bunch of discus that you didn't have a hand in or plan on breeding? I really like to know what anybody else thinks.:D


05-19-2010, 01:04 PM
I said it playing around, but I guess if one was really able to do this, getting the specific strain you want would be much easier. For example let's say Forrest has this crazy new strain he is working on and Hans has another crazy strain and they wanted to mix the strains together, all they would have to do is send each other some of the sperm instead of shipping fish. I guess it would take some of the fun out if it and it wouldn't seem natural, but to those out there whos main goal is to get strains or fish out faster it would really facilitate things.

05-19-2010, 02:53 PM
I think we should add "storing discus sperm" in the addicted to discus thread.

05-19-2010, 03:21 PM
I got these leopards before i knew about rod and his fish :-) I know he has some amazing fish and have been in contact with him already about future fish orders. when I bought them they were guarding a clutch of eggs and they all said this is the 3rd time for them to lay but they were in a group tank wth catfish so that why they lost the eggs. The LFS is massive and has a a very high turn over and usually in the past I have bought fish and they have had white spot or worse so I stear away but to see two leopards at 160 each and breeding (so i tought) was a deal! Little did we all know.

I cant just take them back to the shop....Maybe I could but I doubt it. Illwait and see what I get from them in a few weeks,

05-19-2010, 05:31 PM
LESBIAN LEOPARDS?!!!! Reminds me of this :-)



05-19-2010, 07:49 PM
Don't feel bad I have 2 hi fin blue diamond males that have been cleaning the filter tube and chasing everyone away for about a month now. And they are without a doubt both males. too much tv!