View Full Version : Is this popeye

05-19-2010, 08:53 PM
I have a stunted LFS discus, which was my 2nd or 3rd discus I bought before I found out about quality, anyway it is sick again, it is about 4 inches and stunted, I've had it a year and its about the same size as when I got it. It has white poop, and I treated with metro 500mg/10 gallons for a week, that didn't help, so I treated it with prazi pro, and that didnt help. I've used salt and epsom salt, it won't eat and stays in the corner, its eyes are a lil dull, I have another LFS discus with it, and its fine, I think the problem started when I added plecos, this is the only discus out of 19 that had any reaction to them. heres a video




1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started

added 3 ABN plecos which were in qt for a month

2. Symptoms (i.e. turning dark, excess slime, not eating, clamped fins, flashing, darting, clamped gills, white/yellow/green poop, hiding, headstanding or tailstanding, white on tips of fins, rotting or fungus, blisters/ white zits on fish, bloated, cloudy eyes, wounds)

white poop, clamped fins, eyes cloudy

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.

did metro 500mg/ per 10 gallons for a week every 8 hours, did prazipro 3 days


4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish

29 gallon 2 discus, 3 abn plecos

5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?

I vacumm every day let drip fill back up drip/overflow BB

6 Parameters and water source;

- temp __85___

- ph _____

- ammonia reading ____

- nitrite reading ____

- nitrate reading ____

- well water ____

- municipal water _XX___

7. Any new fish/plants added recently 3 abn plecos, qt'd for a month

Double Up
05-19-2010, 10:56 PM
Could be bacterial or a combination of primary and secondary infections as I just dealt with.

05-20-2010, 06:39 PM
well, I started him on some Macryn 2 I had.

05-20-2010, 06:57 PM
yes it is,,popeye..not much hope IMHO...

05-20-2010, 09:05 PM
yep hes on his last few hours I believe, I was thinking that his eyes were like that because he was stunted.

05-20-2010, 09:36 PM
sorry to hear. usually popeye is long and hard to cure ...sometime one has to wonder if it is worth going the distance with an issue like this..sorry.
yep hes on his last few hours I believe, I was thinking that his eyes were like that because he was stunted.

05-22-2010, 04:27 PM
I thought the same thing ..... Once Popeye sets in, it's just a matter of time. I just had a fish with it severe in one eye, and early stages in the other, as well as body fungus and shedding of sime coat. Fish was in QT tank for 4 weeks, back in main tank now for 8 weeks and has no signs of ever being sick.

I know that some of the meds I used and the way I used them is looked down upon on here, and probably for good reason. I figured the fish was only a week from dying anyway, so took all the symptoms and treated them all at the same time. I used 1tbs salt per 10gal, Dr Discus #2 Fungus Cure, #4 Paragone and #5 Anti-Infusorian (Not many use this product because they refuse to list ingredients) for the first 9 days. I did 25% water changes and re-treated the new water every other day.

End of those days I did 100% water change and added salt and Furan-2. I followed 2 complete treatments of the Furan exactly by the book with water changes every other day.

I was scared to use the Dr Discus stuff before this fish, for the same reasons that I have read on here. I am going to try and keep a small journal of what I used and for what in the future. I do know if I ever see Popeye in a fish again, I will do the same exact thing.

Good Luck

05-22-2010, 05:09 PM
After looking at your picture ... I have to say, my fish was way worse than that and pulled out of it, so there is hope.

Here all the three fish that were sick .... the one in the middle was the popeye guy, but all three did not look good.

Hope it works out!

05-22-2010, 05:43 PM
Hes still hanging in there, I'm using macryn.

05-22-2010, 06:01 PM
Do you see any change for the better or has he shed loads of slime coat yet?

05-22-2010, 06:35 PM
hes just hanging in the corner, haven't noticed any change really.

05-22-2010, 10:02 PM
I prefer Kanamycin for internal bacteria infections. Popeye is due to fluid build up internally from infection.

05-26-2010, 05:19 PM
well, found him dead this afternoon...

05-27-2010, 03:21 PM
Bummer deal Brian,
Guess I got lucky. Watch the remainder of your fish closely the next few weeks. I spent a few months battling small breakouts of external fungus and spots on fins after the original crash. I have to say, at the moment my fish are the healthiest I have seen them since I picked them up. Great feeling to see happy, healthy fish greeting you at the front of the tank every time you walk by.

I am ordering some Kanamycin to have on hand after reading Eddies past posts. I am very happy with the results and outcome of what I treated with, but the members of SD know better than I. Going to make sure I have the proper weapons on hand in case this ever happens again.


05-27-2010, 05:53 PM
good plan, I would have noticed his eyes, had it been a regular discus, the stunted discus have big eyes sticking out like that all the time, I only noticed when they turned grey that they were sticking out further.

05-27-2010, 07:33 PM
Sorry to hear Brian, keep an eye on the others that were in the tank just in case it comes up with any of them. It generally affects an individual but it really has to do with the type of infection.
