View Full Version : Top most embarassing moments your significant other caught you doing with your discus

05-21-2010, 02:47 PM
So, on one fine day, I was inspecting my tanks and decided that I want to remove a piece of driftwood. Next thing you know I decided maybe I should clean the inside too so while I was siphoning out water, I accidentally made a mess on the floor and got myself wet. I figured that I'll just take all the discus out and wipe the bottom too. So ...

*Fiance walks in witnessing me holding a discus in one hand and a siphon tube in another while my pants were down*


Honey, HONEST, it's not what it looks like!

Good thing she knew what was going on or it would've easily caused a big misunderstanding, :D.

So what's your story? ^^

05-21-2010, 03:07 PM
Reminds me of a story a veterinarian friend told me. He was driving home at 3 am after having taken care of an emergency for a client. He saw the lights on at the boss vet's. He drove up to the barn and saw his boss standing in cowboy boots and jockey shorts with his arm up a cow's butt. The boss hadn't been able to sleep and decided to preg check his cows. He also said, "This is not what it looks like".

My only fish story is having the insignificant other walk in on me when I was breaking off pieces of frozen BH with my teeth. Grossed him out...

05-21-2010, 05:02 PM
LOL guys :D