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05-24-2010, 08:15 PM
I just checked my fridge and saw that i have about 1 lb of frozen scallops in my fridge and i have a whole bunch of baby carrots. would it be good to mix the pound of scallops with a pound of fish and some carrots and vitamins? would it be good for discus?

05-24-2010, 08:22 PM
I just checked my fridge and saw that i have about 1 lb of frozen scallops in my fridge and i have a whole bunch of baby carrots. would it be good to mix the pound of scallops with a pound of fish and some carrots and vitamins? would it be good for discus?

Might try to add something to it to help it bind. If you any flake food, you could add that to help bind. Other wise, add shrimp to the mix and if you are going to store, might as well grab some greens and garlic to add to the mix. ;)