View Full Version : dad :-)

05-25-2010, 03:55 AM
story so far:

Fry died approx 40 to flukes.
Fry removed from mum and dad and treated 48hrs ago. All fine lost only 1
Mum and dad started breathing hard 24hrs ago
Treated them with Prazi tablets
24hrs later mum ok and looking well
Dad sitting on bottom breathing fast
both mum and dad are not moving and not eating
Could removing the fry affect them in a mental way?

Water temp 28C.6-7
Ph 6.6-7
All the other stuff ok


05-25-2010, 04:34 AM
Hey Grant, Dad looks a little stressed but not on his death bed. I thought he was laying down sideways? If you are treating with Praziqantel and both Mom and Dad are looking stressed, remove it. I'd just give them clean fresh water daily and see how they adjust.

The fry are all doing good now though, right?


05-25-2010, 03:18 PM
Hey Eddie

I checked on the parents this morning in the dark and they are both swimming around. Guess it takes a bit of time. Have to say the tank was pretty foul lots of slime for some reason. Anyway I did a full wipe down and replaced 20l along with a re-dose in that 20L of water so maybe thats all it was...

Fry are looking fine although it's still really hard to feed them as they dont really take dry foods. I am on FBH now and they love it. Have to say I do not miss trying to hatch out BBS. I have FBBS and they dont really go for it. I have laid out $100 in fish food and find most of it useless.

I will spend a bit more time on them today but for now I like to see them with fat bellies! I did lose one yesterday so maybe there is residual gill damage from the flukes?

Thanks again. This is a good learning experience for me. Shame it involved fry deaths :-)

05-26-2010, 05:18 AM
Gotta keep the tank spotless and perform good water changes daily. Some prefer 2 or more complete water changes.
