View Full Version : Running my first deworming

05-26-2010, 03:10 PM
So, I have had my current batch of discus for a full year, but never de-wormed them. The reason I want to is because my smallest 2 discus have periodically stopped eating, getting stress bars, sitting by themselves staring at a corner, etc and as the water quality is perfect and all the other fish are healthy, I feel it may be best to run a de-worming cycle just in case (seeing how i never did to start). I was wondering what is the best cycle to run, and where to get the medicine. I looked into flakes, but, seeing that the base of their diet is pellets and not flakes, they most likely will not take to medicated flakes. Any suggestions (with an idea of what medicine, where to get it, how often and for how long) would be great!

Thanks so much,

PS - There is a small freshwater stingray living with them, so I do not want to hurt her with any de-worming treatment, although it may be good for her too ^^.

05-26-2010, 05:19 PM
Al @ rocky mountain has the pellets.

05-27-2010, 08:57 PM
I'd be interested in a step by step in a deworming procedure also.
