View Full Version : BP's ROV Live? Cam on Gulf Oil Leak

05-27-2010, 12:29 AM
It has nothing to do with Discus but I found it interesting!


05-27-2010, 03:45 AM
Pretty disheartening image to say the least IMO. All that might kill the Florida Keys next. The sheer amount pouring out of there is kind of mindboggling.

05-27-2010, 08:26 AM
Here on the North Carolina coast, the aquarium I work in is already starting to talk about and make some tentative plans for if/when the oil reaches us. It is a horrible disaster.

05-27-2010, 07:42 PM
And now they are talking about a possible Hurricane soon.

Darrell Ward
05-29-2010, 04:54 PM
BP officials responsible for this mess should be imprisoned for putting profits over safety, which allowed this to happen and also kill 11 people. They will no doubt get away with it though, just like Exxon did. Big money has all the cards.

05-29-2010, 05:11 PM
There is plenty of blame to go around, and BP is just one of the players in this fiasco. It's frightening.

05-29-2010, 09:55 PM
BP officials responsible for this mess should be imprisoned for putting profits over safety, which allowed this to happen and also kill 11 people. They will no doubt get away with it though, just like Exxon did. Big money has all the cards.

I agree that BP needs to be held accountable for their mistakes. However, I seriuosly doubt that they are finding this mess profitable. Cutting corners on safety issues does not increase profits. I am sure BP is aware of this and therefore takes potential spills seriously (if only because they do stand to lose financially). Deepwater drilling is always going to have some risk. I for one would like to see a ban or at least a moritorium placed on all deep water off shore drilling because the risk is too great IMO.

05-29-2010, 09:56 PM
I'm no engineer but I really don't understand how someone can't construct some sort of a swage fitting to attach another section of piping. I mean really....really

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lokringsouthern.com/images/lokring20spec.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lokringsouthern.com/howitworkstour.html&usg=__xjBcy553YcmBZXMpeBzf1drQS0s=&h=286&w=400&sz=298&hl=en&start=47&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=0MYpzR_IL57IXM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpipe%2Bswage%2Bfitting%26start%3D40%2 6um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disc h:1

05-29-2010, 10:01 PM
You mean you dont understand that simple diagram and explanation? LOL.:crazy: :p

05-29-2010, 10:08 PM
You mean you dont understand that simple diagram and explanation? LOL.:crazy: :p

LOL, no it was just an example but basically its like a sleeve that connects 2 pieces together and seals both ends. It can be used in many different applications. We use them all the time in aircraft hydraulic tubing.


05-29-2010, 10:13 PM
Hey, I'm glad there are smart people in the world that know about engineering, but that will never be me.

05-29-2010, 10:14 PM
Hey, I'm glad there are smart people in the world that know about engineering, but that will never be me.

Trust me, it aint me either! :o

Darrell Ward
05-29-2010, 10:27 PM
I agree that BP needs to be held accountable for their mistakes. However, I seriuosly doubt that they are finding this mess profitable. Cutting corners on safety issues does not increase profits. I am sure BP is aware of this and therefore takes potential spills seriously (if only because they do stand to lose financially). Deepwater drilling is always going to have some risk. I for one would like to see a ban or at least a moritorium placed on all deep water off shore drilling because the risk is too great IMO.

People have already testified before congress that BP officials overrode the drilling company's normal safety procedures in an effort to save time, and get the well operational quicker. They did not plug the well, and change bad seals on the blowout preventer like they should have done, now we have this mess. BP willingly cut safety procedures to save time.

Darrell Ward
05-29-2010, 10:31 PM
LOL, no it was just an example but basically its like a sleeve that connects 2 pieces together and seals both ends. It can be used in many different applications. We use them all the time in aircraft hydraulic tubing.


But, I'll bet not a mile under water! That's the whole problem here. The thing is so deep. and under so much water pressure, that doing anything to it ranks from very difficult to impossible.

05-30-2010, 09:49 AM
People have already testified before congress that BP officials overrode the drilling company's normal safety procedures in an effort to save time, and get the well operational quicker. They did not plug the well, and change bad seals on the blowout preventer like they should have done, now we have this mess. BP willingly cut safety procedures to save time.

Yes, it appears that someone(s) at BP made a bad decision somewhere to probably save time. Apparantly blowout preventers that were not properly "calibrated" and "conducting well and well cap cementing improperly by removing mud before cementing the well, which is not normal procedure" led to the disaster. Obviously they did not take the risk seriously enough. But they will pay. In Bloomberg Business week an article claims that over 100 lawsuits were already filed against BP just 6 days after the blowout. It is estimated that the company will pay out over half a trillion dollars as they have already agreed to waive the $75 million limit on environmental damages. Unfortunately they (BP) will probably survive this mess and most of the money will go to Tort lawyers and not the people who were devestated by this oil spill.

05-30-2010, 09:57 AM
But, I'll bet not a mile under water! That's the whole problem here. The thing is so deep. and under so much water pressure, that doing anything to it ranks from very difficult to impossible.

Don't they have underwater suits for this type of stuff, surely they do? LOL :o

Darrell Ward
05-30-2010, 10:37 AM
Don't they have underwater suits for this type of stuff, surely they do? LOL :o

I don't know. I know practically nothing about diving. You would think if they can put a man on the moon, they could figure out how to survive diving a mile underwater without getting crushed. :confused:

05-30-2010, 11:01 AM
BP has one of the worst records of any oil company operating in the US, which includes pollution, neglect of worker safety and manipulating energy markets. Other players share a blame in this disaster: Halliburton was responsible for cementing the drill into place, and this was completed 20 hours before the blow-out. Secondly, the US government has a very poor record for protecting the environment. Obama released BP from a required environmental impact study and then approved BP's drilling plans. Forty nine other off-shore drilling plans in the Gulf of Mexico were approved without environmental review and this is being challenged in a lawsuit brought by the Center for Biological Diversity. Disasters happen when governments are run "of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation."

05-30-2010, 11:18 AM
IN D.C., Democratic hearts are breaking.


"And that is the problem in a nutshell. Our government is top-heavy with people who have never “done” anything.

The Obama administration is loaded down with academics and lawyers who have spent their lives theorizing about things like economics, markets, social order and crisis management–and criticizing methods with which they disagree–but who have little practical experience in doing." Read the whole thing and watch the videos.

Obama is way in over his head. Obama and his administration are more incompetent than Bush and Carter's times a thousand. The 3 words that best describe the Obama adminstration are: Incompetent, Incompetent and Incompetent.

James Carville was right on target.


05-30-2010, 11:21 AM
Here's what the President was doing while the gulf was filling with oil.


Simply amazing. So sad.

Darrell Ward
05-30-2010, 01:10 PM
So you are blaming the president for the oil leak in the gulf? I guess he better put on a wet suit and jump right in! :D Political posturing and propaganda is not helpful. The government can't plug an oil leak, they don't know how. Oil companies have to do that. :)

05-30-2010, 02:50 PM

How about this idea that someone sent me? Sure would take a whole lot of it though...