View Full Version : Hobbyists Challenger Contest ending and Judging....

05-30-2010, 08:59 AM
Hi All,

As you know our second annual contest is closing...( see here for more details... http://www.forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?t=79501 )

The official end date is June 1,2010...What I would ask is that all contestants now pick their best fish from the group and Take a total of 5 pictures of the fish they are submitting. One needs to be picture of the fish netted with a ruler clearly visible so we can see the size. One photo should also have a head shot that shows the thickness of the fish (ruler not necessary) the remaining pics should clearly show the fishes profile while in the tank!

These images should all be very clear...they will be used to judge your fish for First place. You may email me pictures at brewmaste15@netscape.com (brewmaster15@netscape.com) include your full name and address in the email...I'll need that for the awards. Image resolutions will all be standardized ...I will resize all photos for web viewing using photoshop...but I will not manipulate the image in any other way. These images will then be posted in the moderator sections of the forum for judging.

Do not post these pictures publically! Judges will be judging anonymous entries...only I will know identity of the contestants.

Additionally... This year I have added a "Peoples Choice " award. Here is how this will work. Members here will have the opportunity to vote for the contestant they feel did the overall best job of raising their whole group of fish over this last year. You , as members should take into account all the updates and info the contestant has made.. There will be a poll that I will set up for members to vote. Highest vote wins the Peoples Choice award. I would ask all contestants to write an end of the year wrap-up of the contest if they haven't already and post it in their sections...Include things that you have learned, reflections on the contest and your forum experiences, things you feel you did well at and that you think you dropped the ball on.... the whole package.... Lastly,please take movie clip of your tanks and post that as well....Encourage dialogue now...This will be your last chance to connect with the voters.:)

The Contest is officially over on June 1,2010 . I will require entry photos to be emailed to me at brewmaster15@netscape.com (do not post them!) by June 5th....Judging will follow. All decisions are final and if there are any issues or a tie...I will be the deciding vote and my decisions will stand.

My Thanks to all the contestants for sharing your experiences here.. I hope its been a great experience for you all!

My most sincere and heartfelt thanks go out again to Kenny's Discus (http://www.forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?f=119) and Discus Forrest (http://www.forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?f=115) for their donation of these beautiful fish... Everyone wants contests like this to happen...but the truth is I rely heavily on Forum membership to fund these things and make them happen... and Kenny and Forrest have been 2 members and sponsors that have never let me down and have supported this community immensely.... I know I have said it already...but Thank You Both!!!:)

Best of Luck to all!


David Rose
05-30-2010, 11:27 AM
I wish to pass along my thanks as well to Forrest and Kenny for helping make this contest possible as well as all the great contestants for their participation and sharing here on SD! It's been great to monitor their progress and learn a lot in the process.

Thank you...thank you....thank you!

Elite Aquaria
05-30-2010, 11:30 AM
I wish to pass along my thanks as well to Forrest and Kenny for helping make this contest possible as well as all the great contestants for their participation and sharing here on SD! It's been great to monitor their progress and learn a lot in the process.

Thank you...thank you....thank you!

I second that. Thanks to both Kenny and Forrest for all their contributions to our forum.

06-02-2010, 08:58 AM

06-02-2010, 10:22 AM
I have so enjoyed watching the progress and comparing techniques among all the contestants. What gorgeous fish to work with--hats off to Kenny and Forrest of course.
What a gift to HAVE the fish, and what a lot of work to keep us all informed of the ups and downs involved in this year, and in keeping up with the photo documentatioon. Lots of work, lots of fun, some real challenges.
Congrats to all of you for seeing this contest through. I always looked forward to seeing everyone's posts and I think Simply has been a richer experience for me as a result. YOU ARE ALL WINNERS. I will be very interested to see what comes next in contest land.
Very best regards to all,

06-02-2010, 10:28 AM
I love the idea of the peoples choice awards, it sounds fun! I can't wait to see the display pics of all these beautiful fish!

Big thanks goes out to Kenny, Forrest, Al, contestants and judges!


06-02-2010, 10:55 AM
Just wanted to say that it was a great adventure, even for those who were not in the contest. It was amazing to be part of each contestants lives during their time in keeping these amazing fish from Forrest/Kenny. It was a privilege for me to see the contest from start to finish. Loved watching everyone's fish grow into the beautiful adults that they are today. Wishing all of the contestant the best of luck and a HUGE THANK YOU for everything you've done for the hobby!

All the best,


06-02-2010, 11:07 AM
BIG thank u to Forrest/Kenny and Al u made it happened !!well done guys!!

best of luck to all contestants!!

06-02-2010, 01:27 PM
For me it is a little sad to see the contest come to an end so soon. It was easy and enjoyable on my part to post pictures and raise my discus.
We may never meet face to face but it is great to make lasting, long time friends with you all. :):)
I'm amazed at the generosity of Kenny and Forrest for supplying all those discus and the huge amount of work that Al has done to put this all together. :):):)
Can't wait to cheer on the next contestants, I'm just as excited to see how it goes.
Thank you all.

06-02-2010, 01:32 PM
Hey Bill ,

Who knows, maybe down the road one of the contestants from this contest will breed these beautiful gems and we'll get to watch some f2s grow up.:) maybe they'll even wind up in a contest.:):):):):)

Wouldn't that be Cool?


06-02-2010, 01:51 PM
If they cooperate I would more than happy to box up enough to cover a contest Al.

06-02-2010, 02:12 PM
Thanks for the opportunity SD and I too would also like to give the opportunity to another group if my pairs are going to co-operate. If they do I will contact you Al to organize a Canadian Challange.:)

Thanks everyone as well for following and all the positive feedback. It was a great experience for sure and I encourage those that are thinking about it to enter and see what you can do with your fish. If anything you end up with a bunch of beautiful discus...is that so bad?

Cheers, Evelyn:)

06-02-2010, 02:40 PM
This contest looked like it was a really great event....I'm relatively new here, but I've enjoyed looking back thru all your posts contestants!:)

Brew, I can't wait for the next contest....I hope I can free up some space and participate if I am chosen.

I know these things must cost you alot to put together and thats not even the time.....so thank you....I would like to help out with a donation but don't use paypal... please drop me a pm and let me know where I can send something.

Thanks again to you,the contestants, and Kenny and Forrest!


06-02-2010, 03:02 PM
This contest looked like it was a really great event....I'm relatively new here, but I've enjoyed looking back thru all your posts contestants!:)

Brew, I can't wait for the next contest....I hope I can free up some space and participate if I am chosen.

I know these things must cost you alot to put together and thats not even the time.....so thank you....I would like to help out with a donation but don't use paypal... please drop me a pm and let me know where I can send something.

Thanks again to you,the contestants, and Kenny and Forrest!

Hi Alonzo,
Thanks for the kind words and offer to help the site.... all the information for donations , including a mailing address is here....


I'm not sure all the details on the next contest...tell you the truth, I'm not even 100% positive I can do another one...but I will try to put it together. I'd like to do one, and I have been talking with various sponsors...but I won't be able to commit 100% until I have all the options set out clearly. In the mean time... We have an awesome one to wrap up here !

best regards,

06-04-2010, 08:12 AM
Badda Bump!:)

06-04-2010, 09:42 AM
This cool stuff :D

06-04-2010, 10:32 AM
Good luck to everyone. I have enjoyed following this contest as well as the last one. So interesting to see the different methods used by each person with all apparently having excellent results.

06-04-2010, 11:47 AM
I would love to see their f2's in another challenge. I will do everything i can to make that happen. It is the least i can do.
I can not thank Kenny and Forrest enough for supplying these beautiful challenge discus. You both have spoiled us.
Al, i do not even know where to begin. You give so much to this forum and this hobby in general. What you have put together here is so valuable to me. I get so much from this forum. Thank you!


06-04-2010, 02:05 PM
I can honestly say that my lurking on this site, following these fish and the stories on raising them played a big part in getting me back into the hobby.

I had been Discus free for 20 years until my 9 year old daughter looked over my shoulder while on this site one day. Once she got an eyeful of the fish from this competition it was all over ........... The only fish she wanted was Discus!!!

So thanks Al, Kenny, Forrest and everyone that was involved in the grow out of these fish, I can say that me and my daughter have gotten more out of it than most. I now have a hooked 9 year old that gets a ton of quality time with her dad doing water changes ... (and sure nice to have another Discus nut to talk to around the House!!)

Thanks again guys ..... well done on the grow out and truly amazing fish!!

06-04-2010, 08:38 PM
Cant wait to see the winners pics and peoples choice very cool -

Cant wait also til apps are taken on the new contest hehe, ive got a 75 gal just poised LOL :P

Kenny's Discus
06-05-2010, 04:14 AM
Hi all,

Forrest and I would like to give our greatest thanks to all contestants for providing such great care in raising these albinos over the last year. As others have said, though it might be a little sad to see it coming to an end but I'm sure Forrest and I both feel that the enjoyment we receive just by watching how they grow under the contestants' great care far outweigh what we have donated.

We also can't wait to see the winners pics and regardless of who will win, all contestants are already winners in our books! Thank you all again and all the best!:)

A huge THANK YOU to Al for organizing this year's contest, without his great effort and free time sacrificed none of this could have happened. You're the best Al!:)

Lastly we would also like to thank all who have followed this year's contest with great interests. Your comments and participation were very much appreciated.

Thank you and good luck to all!


Kenny and Forrest

06-06-2010, 09:13 AM
Okay Folks,
I have received submissions from the contestants at this point.. and I am no longer taking them.Unfortunately we only have 6 that have chosen to submit pics...so these will now get judged. I'll be spending a good part of today going thru the submissions, resizing photos and finalizing the score cards..then posting these for the judges.

Once the judges votes are in, I will put up a poll for the Peoples choice award.

Best of luck to all the contestants...you all are winners in my book!:)


06-06-2010, 06:59 PM
I've posted the photos and score cards now that the judges will use privately.....after all the votes are in I will post these publically as well for all to see..

As I went thru the submissions I was made acutely aware just what an awesome job everyone did and just how amazing these fish from Kenny and Forrest turned out....It really blew me away...... when I say all the contestants are winners...I'm not just blowing smoke there.... I mean it...The contest is dedicated to Barb Newell, who embodied what a great and dedicated hobbyist is...and you all would have made her very very happy!

Best of luck to all of you in this contest and thanks to all that have contributed in anyway!


06-07-2010, 09:17 AM
Hey Al,

Where is it that you will be posting the photos? In the general discussion area or in the university? I don't want to miss out where they ended up, lol:p (as I quite often end up...LOST:o) LOL

06-07-2010, 09:29 AM
Hey Al,

Where is it that you will be posting the photos? In the general discussion area or in the university? I don't want to miss out where they ended up, lol:p (as I quite often end up...LOST:o) LOL

Hi Evelyn,
It will be posted in the general discussion board and I will send out a mass email announcing it so please everyone be sure that your email addresses are current in your profiles.


06-07-2010, 03:00 PM
I have really enjoyed watching this contest from begining to end. Thank you Forrest and Kenny for supplying such incredible discus.

Good luck to all of the contestants!


06-07-2010, 03:11 PM
Why only 6 contestants submitted photo's didn't you have 9 contestants (I realize one had a tradgedy)?

06-07-2010, 03:59 PM
We had 8 contestants and one control... The Control is a more internal check in case people experienced problems.....Ryans fish are not judged as the control.. One contestant hit a snag and one was not able to submit pics in time for the deadlines I posted.

Why only 6 contestants submitted photo's didn't you have 9 contestants (I realize one had a tradgedy)?

David Rose
06-07-2010, 09:51 PM
It's been a great experience for me on the sidelines this past year... I've really enjoyed watching the progress each week!

Thanks Al for all your efforts and hard work in putting this together. I truly hope you get support; especially, financial to keep these contest going!

You can count on my support! Hopefully the rest of our SD family that shares the enthusiasm will contact you as well.

All the best,

06-07-2010, 10:29 PM
I just wanted to thank Kenny and Forest for the quality fish they provided and Al for putting this together. I already won regardless of the out come. I have 6 beautiful fish that hopefully will be able to raise some fry and supply them for a future contest. Once again, Thanks all, Jim.