View Full Version : 6 in a tank, one get bullied..

06-03-2010, 07:42 AM
i was adviced to keep 6 discus together to increase the chances of either2 of them pairing but 1 smaller sized discus keeps getting bullied and was often afraid to eat fearing that other discus would attack him whenever i drop tetrabit pellets or bloodworms into the tank..
so if i were to isolate the most agressive one and the most often bullied one into separate tanks would it decrese their likelihood of pairing??

06-03-2010, 03:01 PM
What you are seeing is completely normal. If you remove either someone else will just take that spot. In other words if you remove the runt then another fish will just become the new runt.


06-03-2010, 09:49 PM
If your tank is bare bottom, try feeding enough that it takes 15-20 minutes for the fish to eat it all. The more aggressive feeders get satiated first, back off on hogging the food, and the less aggressive fish get a better chance to have their share...

Heavy feeding minimizes growth differential, avoids stunted fish and normal sized fish in the same tank. It also demands a lot of water changing, too...

Works for me, anyway...