View Full Version : New Discus from Jack AKA KC_Discus

06-06-2010, 05:21 PM
Hello fellow discus people,

The Forum has been of great help getting my 90 gallon up and going. I found some older post in finding Jack a Local Breeder here in Kansas City AKA KC_Discus.

So instead of looking else where or doing a on-line order I thought I would take a shot in the dark and give him a call. I understood he was having some personal issues "witch I totaly respect..it happens to the best of people"

So I got a call from him a few hours later and said he did have some to sell and he was getting back into the business. we had a appointment on saterday at 2pm. and I went over to see his setup and selection.

I was absolutly thrilled that I found a local breeder. He's setup was awsome, clean and well kept as you could clearly see he was working hard to get back up and going again and getting his stock built up again by having his pairs to start breeding again.

The selection of Discus he did have for sale was in EXCELENT condition. Bright, plump and to the front of the tank and looking hungry "A good sign"

Jack was a kind professional person. he had no shame or anything to hide in showing us his full setup and how the dicus was kept.

he was very informative about any questions I had. Even had some Jager heaters and Hydro sponge filters that he sold me plus some Bristlenose pleco's he had. I was more than happy to buy a few off him plus the discus.

Now to the good stuff. I purchased 3 fish, a Golden, Turk and a Cobalt blue discus. All in excelent well kept shape. I knew I could trust jack and asked him to pick out my selection for me. and I couldn't be happier with his selection.

here are some pictures of the discus I got from him. Hope you enjoy I know I'm thrilled.

oh I'm glad I purchased my Jager heater from jack yesterday I woke up with this loud sizzle sound and my Marineland Stealth pro cracked. and I put the 300 watt jager is and its working like a charm.

Thank you Jack AKA KC_Discus I could'nt be more pleased by your discus. I know when you get 100% fully up and running again "I know it takes time to build stock" you are one heck of a breeder and high quality discus you provide.

now for the pictures:

56492 56493 56494 56495 56496

06-06-2010, 05:24 PM
here are the others.

56497 56498

06-06-2010, 07:52 PM
We are lucky to have Jack as a Breeder ! Fun and very Enthusisatic person to have in the Discus Hobby !


06-06-2010, 11:30 PM
Yes he is,

A kind man, I wish him the best of luck getting up back up to 100% again. but the dicus he did have where still in excelent shape.

06-06-2010, 11:43 PM
Beautiful discus, Matthew. It's so good to hear Jack is up and running! I have some of his home-growns and a tank full of their fry. I couldn't be happier with mine. :)

06-07-2010, 12:31 AM
he had some Mandarin Passion discus but he was'nt ready to sell them yet. But I'm ready to get some more from him when he's ready to sell them.

He's got some good looking pairs. and some full size. I had to stand back and watch. I was like "WOW" I knew that got big but woweee I had to take a deep breath and take it all in.

06-07-2010, 04:01 PM
You won't go wrong dealing with Jack. He's well known for his home bred discus and professional attitude towards his customers.

06-07-2010, 05:19 PM
congrats. jack is topnotch as far as people go and excellent care of his fish.

06-07-2010, 06:59 PM
I am amazed that turq is actually inside the flower pot.Never saw discus of that size really do that before. Funny?:D