View Full Version : bloodworms - good or bad?

06-07-2010, 03:39 AM
blood worms,
a treat only or can it be part of a regular diet?

i mean, its relatively low in protein, b ut the fish love it, should i feed thsi frequently?
if so how much of their diet should consist of bloodworms?

06-07-2010, 03:51 AM
once or twice a week is more than enough. they might love it, but it's very low in nutrients. mine get a cube or two every sunday night before lights out.

my discus do well on 50% BH, 40% flake/pellet 10% blood/black worms.

06-07-2010, 03:55 AM
thats a good gauge.
so 50% bh mix - i assume the bh mix has a bunch of stuff in it and other goodies just not pure beef heart.

then 40% pellets, then 10% good tasty stuff.

whats the harm of 70% pellets, 20% bh mix and 10% bloowworm?
i want to go more into BH mix i make myself, but just wondering why a majority pellet diet is not good? if its not good that is :D

06-07-2010, 04:31 AM
thats just how i feed my fish, a personal preferance really. i like putting good size on my discus and fast, so i go with more BH mix than anything. and yes there's a bunch of different ingredients in my mix(BH, seafood, flake, garlic, collared greens etc)

a 70% pellet/flake 20% BH 10% BW would be fine too, just be sure to use a quality pellet.

06-07-2010, 05:48 AM
i have been using hikari discus bio gold as 80% of the pellet portion and 20% of the pellets i use colour bits to add variety.

06-07-2010, 03:53 PM
Actually, when dried out like flakes, pellets etc, bloodworms are around 60% protien. Check a can of FDBW's for nutritional value. That's the only way to make a realistic comparison between BW's, or any frozen food, with flakes and pellets.
They are low in many vitamins and, I think, amino acids, which is where feeding a variety of foods comes in.
I feed BW's once a day, and I don't think anyone would say my fish are lacking in size because of it.:D

06-07-2010, 04:39 PM
nothing wrong with feeding them BW everyday along with other foods, i don't because mine love them a bit too much, and wouldn't eat anything else, lol.