View Full Version : cloudy/dots eye

06-07-2010, 11:03 PM
One of my discus has cloudy eye. I think he might has injured himself. I did a few water change, however, the eye is not getting any better.

Any particular medication I should treat him?

06-07-2010, 11:10 PM
I just went through that. Is your water cycled properly? If so I used triple sulfa. I put the fish in question in a hospital tank and just medicated him. Worked great and he is know his usual self.

Chad Hughes
06-08-2010, 12:12 AM
One of my discus has cloudy eye. I think he might has injured himself. I did a few water change, however, the eye is not getting any better.

Any particular medication I should treat him?

When you say you did a few water changes, exactly how many did you do and how big were they? I'd do some pretty large ones (90%) daily for about 5 to 7 days before I started throwing any meds in the tank. Usually keeping your tank cleaner than usual (heavier water changes) for a while will get your "sick" fish over the hump and on to normal health. For what it's worth, cloudy eye issues are typically due to water conditions. Fix the water and your fish should follow.

Hope that helps!

David Rose
06-08-2010, 08:44 AM
For what it's worth, I just wanted to add that it may be due to pH burn if your pH crashed. I have a separate thread where Al helped me out in identifying the issue. I would recommend posting pictures.


06-08-2010, 06:45 PM
For what it's worth, I just wanted to add that it may be due to pH burn if your pH crashed. I have a separate thread where Al helped me out in identifying the issue. I would recommend posting pictures.


I have checked my water parameter. Its all good and tank is fully cycled and the filter has been running for a year now.

I've done 3 major water changes (100%) 3 days straight.

The cloudiness in the eye is still there and it looks like he is suffering cataract.s

I tried T.C. Tetracycline™ Powder API last night and one of the other discus started freaking out, hitting the glass and I was not sure why and maybe had something to do with the medication. As I feared it would cause more harm to the other discus, I did a complete water change and they are all fine now.

I am not sure what type of other medications would help this. I prefer to treat the whole tank.

David Rose
06-08-2010, 08:03 PM
If you just keep up with regular water changes they should be fine without meds in a couple of weeks or so. My preferred med is Furan 2 for something like this, but again... I wouldn't rush to use meds unless it gets worse, which is unlikely.