View Full Version : Urgent Need some help

06-15-2010, 08:45 PM
One of my discus got caught between two rocks in my tank he is pretty banged up. He is swimming but he is a bit roughed up. Any advice as how to treat him. He has some scratches on his body. I just looked at him again it seem like one of his fins by his gill is damaged he seems to be using only one the other one he moves once and a while. He is in his normal spot in the tank now. What should I do?

06-15-2010, 09:01 PM
Just keep the tank/water clean. Watch for any fungus or bacteria infection.


06-15-2010, 09:14 PM
Thank you Eddie. How do discus heal from trauma? Are they strong healers?

06-15-2010, 09:19 PM
Thank you Eddie. How do discus heal from trauma? Are they strong healers?

They are if they are healthy. If the fish eats a good diet and the environmental conditions are good, fish will recover fairly quickly. If you see the fish going down hill, you may want to move it to a QT tank. I'd wait and observe at the moment.


06-15-2010, 09:50 PM
Thank you for the info... I will let you know how he does.

06-16-2010, 01:25 PM
Eddie, thanks alot for the help, I am pleased to say I woke up this morning and my little buddy was swimming around with all his other friends as if nothing happened. He has some nice scratches on him but otherwise all seems normal. He ate like a champ this morning, , going to do my water change now.

06-16-2010, 02:40 PM
Thats fantastic news, he should heal up soon. ;)