View Full Version : How to post pictures??

Discus master
06-16-2010, 09:45 AM
I am trying to post some picks for the group, people want to see my fish I just got from the breeder visit and I do not know how to get the ones I do have loaded up on the forum. I need help telling what I got becuase he put them into bags but they were not marked so I can not tell which is witch
I did down load that king kong capture thing i guess I am not using it correctly plus I only have the free trial version which says I can only capture one image a day, I am using free software from kodak for my pics to edit and store them as Jpegs, fils are to large to up load and I do not know how to just drag them to my posts.

I know I have what he calls a turk, a red turk, a Royal Blue, and a Snake Skin the snake skin was in a tank with what he says had green, red, and brown ones so I am not sure which I have I think its the smallest one I have it has a lot of stress bars like 14 of thm reall thin bars he is pretty small. The one I thought was a red turk based off of pics on the net I have seen looks more like the Royal blue discus and the one I thought was the royal blue disucs might be the turk he is the largest like a darkish blue color, and I am ot sure about the others but then I could be all wrong

Any help identifying would be apreciated and how to post these pics make em smaller and get them to post for me within my post would be nice as well, whatever you can help me with thank you all in advance

06-16-2010, 10:00 AM
I am trying to post some picks for the group, people want to see my fish I just got from the breeder visit and I do not know how to get the ones I do have loaded up on the forum. I need help telling what I got becuase he put them into bags but they were not marked so I can not tell which is witch
I did down load that king kong capture thing i guess I am not using it correctly plus I only have the free trial version which says I can only capture one image a day, I am using free software from kodak for my pics to edit and store them as Jpegs, fils are to large to up load and I do not know how to just drag them to my posts.

I know I have what he calls a turk, a red turk, a Royal Blue, and a Snake Skin the snake skin was in a tank with what he says had green, red, and brown ones so I am not sure which I have I think its the smallest one I have it has a lot of stress bars like 14 of thm reall thin bars he is pretty small. The one I thought was a red turk based off of pics on the net I have seen looks more like the Royal blue discus and the one I thought was the royal blue disucs might be the turk he is the largest like a darkish blue color, and I am ot sure about the others but then I could be all wrong

Any help identifying would be apreciated and how to post these pics make em smaller and get them to post for me within my post would be nice as well, whatever you can help me with thank you all in advance


Discus master
06-16-2010, 10:47 AM
Thank you I will look t this and see if I can do it now thanks a million!

Discus master
06-16-2010, 11:22 AM

I still can not figure it out, if I could make my imige smaller I could just use the browse and up load imige option it would be the easiest but my pic file is way to large so I don't know how to solve this. I can email the pics to whom ever and have someone put them up for me or if someone would be kind enough to show me how to make my pic files smaller that would work as well. Thanks again!!

06-16-2010, 12:58 PM
send me your pictures

I post and tell you exactly how i did it.


Discus master
06-16-2010, 01:27 PM
send me your pictures

I post and tell you exactly how i did it.


Ok thank you I will I will have to wait until I get home I at work now and just got slammed with a ton of work! Yipee!

Thank you though I do apreciate it much!

06-17-2010, 10:26 AM
why dont you use Photobucket.com

Discus master
06-17-2010, 12:47 PM
why dont you use Photobucket.com

I will, thought I would set it up from work today when I had the time, little did I know my company blocks sites like this for some reason, oh well I will have to do it from home when I get the time, thankx for all your help, I will let you know how I make out after I set up my photo buckety account again thank you everyone hopefully once I have this set up I will be good to go.

David Rose
06-17-2010, 10:48 PM
Here's some basics for using PhotoBucket.com (http://photobucket.com/)

1. Set up your free account following the sites instructions.

2.Look for the "Upload Images and Videos" button in the middle of the page. Just below it is the line:

Tip: Hold down CommandCTRL to select multiple files. (more options) (javascript:void(0);)

Click on the "more options" to be sure that your image size settings, which should be already defaulted to upload your pictures at 640x480 automatically. This resizes your photos for you and saves time.

3. While you're still in the "more options" section , you can uncheck the box for adding tags to save you time. This is a matter of preference.

Add more tags and descriptions after upload.

4. Now that you have your options set, you can go back to the "Upload Images and Videos" button to choose the photos you want to share from your computer. You'll need to know the folder location where you have your photos stored and/or locate them using the pop-up file folder search dialogue box that will appear after clicking on the mentioned button.

5. You can hold your "cntrl" key down to pick multiple photos at once as long as they are in the same folder location. Once you've selected the one(s) you want click on the "Open" button on the bottom right of the dialogue box and your pictures will start to copy from your computer onto the PhotoBucket website. Either now or later you can create various folders so organize your photos into "Albums".

6. Once you see that your photos are loaded and are visible on the PhotoBucket website, you can move your computer cursor to hover a picture you want to share. Below the picture you a drop down box will appear with various options that you have in order to share pictures. Most of us on Simply Discus use the bottom option that starts with "[IMG]". If you click on the line once it will highlight the entire line that you need. While highlighted, hold down your "Cntrl" and letter "C" at the same time to Copy the [IMG] link.

7. Now here's the trick... you will need have a separate browser window or tab opened and be logged into Simply Discus at the same time. You will also need to start a thread or "reply to" to start a new post. Wherever you want your picture to appear, click in the message box once and the you're ready to Paste your [IMG] link by again holding down your "Cntrl" key and this time hold down the letter "V" key at the same time. This in short is your copy/paste process and you full [IMG] link should now appear. Keep in mind you won't actually see your picture yet until you finish and "submit" your posted message.

8. Repeat the process above until you have all the [IMG] links copy/pasted from PhotoBucket into your Simply Discus message. Don't forget to type a description message should you wish to tell us about your photos.

Hope this helps!

Discus master
06-18-2010, 09:03 AM
Here's some basics for using PhotoBucket.com (http://photobucket.com/)

1. Set up your free account following the sites instructions.

2.Look for the "Upload Images and Videos" button in the middle of the page. Just below it is the line:

Tip: Hold down CommandCTRL to select multiple files. (more options) (javascript:void(0);)

Click on the "more options" to be sure that your image size settings, which should be already defaulted to upload your pictures at 640x480 automatically. This resizes your photos for you and saves time.

3. While you're still in the "more options" section , you can uncheck the box for adding tags to save you time. This is a matter of preference.

Add more tags and descriptions after upload.

4. Now that you have your options set, you can go back to the "Upload Images and Videos" button to choose the photos you want to share from your computer. You'll need to know the folder location where you have your photos stored and/or locate them using the pop-up file folder search dialogue box that will appear after clicking on the mentioned button.

5. You can hold your "cntrl" key down to pick multiple photos at once as long as they are in the same folder location. Once you've selected the one(s) you want click on the "Open" button on the bottom right of the dialogue box and your pictures will start to copy from your computer onto the PhotoBucket website. Either now or later you can create various folders so organize your photos into "Albums".

6. Once you see that your photos are loaded and are visible on the PhotoBucket website, you can move your computer cursor to hover a picture you want to share. Below the picture you a drop down box will appear with various options that you have in order to share pictures. Most of us on Simply Discus use the bottom option that starts with "[IMG]". If you click on the line once it will highlight the entire line that you need. While highlighted, hold down your "Cntrl" and letter "C" at the same time to Copy the [IMG] link.

7. Now here's the trick... you will need have a separate browser window or tab opened and be logged into Simply Discus at the same time. You will also need to start a thread or "reply to" to start a new post. Wherever you want your picture to appear, click in the message box once and the you're ready to Paste your [IMG] link by again holding down your "Cntrl" key and this time hold down the letter "V" key at the same time. This in short is your copy/paste process and you full [IMG] link should now appear. Keep in mind you won't actually see your picture yet until you finish and "submit" your posted message.

8. Repeat the process above until you have all the [IMG] links copy/pasted from PhotoBucket into your Simply Discus message. Don't forget to type a description message should you wish to tell us about your photos.

Hope this helps!

wow thank you for all the info I will do that this evening after I get home from work, take care of the kids, and my tanks of course, but I will definately be on my lap top some time tonight to get started and hopefully post my first pics, thank you again on the detailed instructions nice!!