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View Full Version : Help Me Decide- Filter Choices

06-18-2010, 03:56 AM
Hey guys!

I have a 55 gallon discus tank. 6 discus at around 3-4". I do daily 50% water changes with a couple 15% water changes throughout the day after feedings.

I am looking to replace my loud, old HOB's. I've heard that Aquaclears are the most silent HOB out there.. so here are my two options, which one is best?

1.) 2 AC70 filters and 2 80 gallon sponge filters. To reduce the flow, I was planning to extend the lift tubes on the sponge filters and place the intake tubes from the AquaClears inside the lift tubes of the spongefilters, thus effectively turning the sponge filters into prefilters for the HOB's. This is just an idea, but it seems like it would both add biological filtration to the setup and massively extend the lifespan of any mechanical media in the HOB unit-at the expense of needing to clean the sponges of course-without increasing water flow.


2.) Buy 1 EHEIM 2213 and run it with both sponge filters. This makes less filter clutter in the tank, and probably better filtration considering it's an eheim. Along with the silence of the canister filter which is the most important part to me- that they are QUIET.

What would YOU do and what is my best option?
Which will keep my water the cleanest and be the most effective? Both end up costing about the same amount of money, so it's a question of effectiveness. Thoughts?

06-18-2010, 07:49 AM
on a 55 imo the best would be a ac110 and 1 or 2 sponges. Running the intake through the pre filter sponge is a good idea but i would use a pre filter like this.http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=21426

A ac110 on a 55 will keep it nice and clean. more so then 2 ac70.


06-18-2010, 08:17 AM
If your doin clean ups and 50% wc daily, you can get away with just sponge filters and save your money for a bigger tank in the future. ;)

06-18-2010, 03:03 PM
If your doin clean ups and 50% wc daily, you can get away with just sponge filters and save your money for a bigger tank in the future. ;)


Only thing I would add to His advice is buy the Hydro Pro Sponges as they will last you a lot longer and are a lot tougher.

And IMHO - two AC70's or one AC110 along with two Sponge Filters will make a LOT of current in a 55 gallon tank, If you just want to run a HOB Filter with the Sponge Filters if it was Me I would just run one AC70 with a ATI pre-filter on the intake with them.

And just a heads up www.Kensfish.com has great prices on both the AC70 and AC110 Filters as well as the Hydro Pro Sponge Filters and ATI Pre Filters.

Thats My 2 Cents anyway, ~HTH~ And best of luck to You as well as Your Fish.