View Full Version : Question about snake skins

Discus master
06-25-2010, 11:21 AM
I have a thread ontop of page two only a couple of people have responded to. Iam trying to tell what starin of fish I have I know I have a red Turq, a Turq, a Royal Blue, and a Snake skin either brown, green or blue as the breeder kept all the snakes in the same tank the juvi ones any how

Well sense know one looked or comented on the pics I posted which are still there by the way top of page two of this forum I will ask another way does snake skin have a lot of thin stress bars? the smallest fish out of the four ha a lot of thin black stress bars maybe like 14 of them and I thought maybe he was going to end up being the SS?

Second fish has some red in it so I thought naturaly this would be my red turq but when I see pics of Royal Blues they have red in them as well much like the one I think or thought was the red turk, then I have one that looks like a solid Turq color well besides the patern its a solid turq color I had originally thought maybe this was my Royal blue but I am not so sure now?

The 3rd one kind of looks like what I thought was a red Turq but couold be the Royal Blue the second one I spoke of has a nice patern of red all over with a Turq color in the back ground so maybe he his the turq?

at any rate I do have pics up if one of you guys in eperts being able to tell strains would mind teribly if you could please have a look and let me know what you think. I know they are young juvi's and it will be much easer to tell when they are bigger you can see their coloration and pattern now so hopefully one of you can tell all except the one with all the stress bars are about 2.5 - 3 inches I guess? the little guy is more like 2 inches thats just a guestimation

Please some one have a look for me and even an educated guess is better than what I have now I would be very thank full if some one could help me out. At least I do know for a fact that the four I bought are definately wht the reeder at gywnbrook told me they were I was there I just can not remeebr for the life of me which one is which lol!:confused:

06-25-2010, 11:44 AM
The first one is a SS.

Discus master
06-25-2010, 12:34 PM
The first one is a SS.

Thank you now I need to figure out the rest! I am on a good start though, so how long do you think it will be untill I really start to see the snake skin show his/her true colors and pattern, I guess what age or size is what I am asking? will those bars disapear or become a part of the patern I hardly ever see stress bars in snake skins is that because the bars is what forms the pattern or do I go this all backwards, ha ha?

06-25-2010, 12:47 PM
Snake Skins have 14 bars.

Discus master
06-25-2010, 12:51 PM
Snake Skins have 14 bars.

Cool I thought that was rite and the little one in my trying to post pics again thread has 14 bars so what will happen to these bars? blend in to the pattern as it forms or will they always be there? usually when I have seen what was being called a snake skin of some kind there were no bars of course these were much larger fish adults to sub adults can you tell from the pic what kind of ss it is red, brown, green? it is one of those three becuase the breeder I went to kept those three types of juvis in the same tank together so I do not which one it is thanks

06-25-2010, 08:16 PM
Not much if any differance between the 9 bar or the 14 bar as far as bars showing. They both fade over time.


06-25-2010, 08:33 PM
No they don't! The fish always have their bars, The show them or not according to their mood.

06-25-2010, 11:19 PM
Well Liz is right they dont lose them. But as they grow its my experance they show them less.