View Full Version : Maybe this will help with my ID

Discus master
06-28-2010, 08:06 AM
number one


number two


number three


number four


Ok here they are all in one place for you to help me, I numbered them 1 - 4 and I know this much I have a snake skin either red brown or green as the breeder kept those strains together as juvis I also have a royal blue, a turq and a red turq so hopefully I can get some help now that I have them all in one place. I know the small one with all the bars is the snake skin of some kind at least thats what I have been told but then some think I also have a blue snake skin but that can not be I only have one of each and I was there I just can not remeber which one is which for the life of me I think number four some have said is a blue snake skin but perhaps this could be the royal blue?? I got the fish from gwynbrooks farms near Baltimore MD
thanks for any help I can get!!

06-28-2010, 08:11 AM
Thats easy to work with.

1. blue turq
2. Red Turq
3. Blue Snake
4. Blue Snake

Discus master
06-28-2010, 08:17 AM
so you still think number four is a blue snake? but it looks so much diferent than the other one you are calling a blue snake the one with all the bars? I am a little confused on how they can both be the same but look totally diferent? I thought maybe the one with bars would be a red or brown snake and the last one I was guessing was the roayl blue?

if they are both snake skins and look diferent as they do in the picture than is it because one is larger than the other? and I know from the pic the one with bars looks big but it is a zoomed in shot he is actaully the smaellest of all the discus I have so again are sure of this?

like I said I bought a snake, a red turq, a turq, and a Royal Blue so maybe he miss labled his stock??

06-28-2010, 09:58 AM
There both snakeskins. the other with the bars is young and doesnt have as much color as the other snakeskin. They're bars fade as they get older.and they get more color.

hope this helps..

Discus master
06-28-2010, 10:03 AM
There both snakeskins. the other with the bars is young and doesnt have as much color as the other snakeskin. They're bars fade as they get older.and they get more color.

hope this helps..

But do you think they aill both be blue snake skins?? I do not mind having tow thats fine with me or possibly the lighting I took them in may be throwing off the ID is this possible???

06-28-2010, 11:08 AM
There both snakeskins. the other with the bars is young and doesnt have as much color as the other snakeskin. They're bars fade as they get older.and they get more color.

hope this helps..

Their bars don't fade, it is part of their 'communication', it's just that they don't show it as often since they are more calm or know their surrounding better, but they can show it depending on the situation. I call them communication bars as it will become evident if they are excited, breeding, feeding.etc :D

06-28-2010, 11:14 AM
But do you think they aill both be blue snake skins?? I do not mind having tow thats fine with me or possibly the lighting I took them in may be throwing off the ID is this possible???

No1 - Blue Turq
No2 - Red Turq
No3 - Red Snakeskin? (seems more red than blue)
No4 - Blue Snakeskin

I'm not sure if it's your camera but no4 seems like it have some hazy eyes. Believe in your instance is what I will say. A snakeskin is defined because of its fine line pattern, their communication bar ranges from 6-14+.

06-28-2010, 11:27 AM
so....take more pictures of the disputed fish for us to see!!

Discus master
06-28-2010, 12:30 PM
so....take more pictures of the disputed fish for us to see!!

I sure will as the 2nd I get a chance because the one fish was in a tank labled Royal Blue discus nd the one turq I think is a red turq I looked on line and several pics of royal blues threw me off becuase they seemed to look a lot like what I thought was a red turq, the one that some one said thought there maybe hazzy eyes, there is not its my camera for sure I will look at pics to see if I have a better pic of him/her trust me there all healthy I looked them over very well and all the fish this guy had looked good and swam up to the glass looking for food, oh and the communications bars some one was talking about what I would call stress bars I think become part of the snake skin patterne because everytime I see a young pic of a younk ss it always has the bars and when I see pics of older ss they seem to fade away so maybe not become part of the pattern but perhaps lighten up over time with age? I had them all in the same tank together now for almost three weeks and bought them together and evrything his bars never changed on time in fact all of them have been farily calm with vey little stress.

So I bought one that was labled snake skin that could be a red green or blue the 1st one looks like a red or green ss to me another one came from a tank just labled turq another one came from a tank labled red turq, and one came from a tank laled Royal blue discus. The reson I am having a hard time figuring out who is who is because once I got them home and all together I forget which one came from which tank, then the ones I think I know just by looking at them when I look at pics on the net say there something diferent like for instance the royal blue discus I see on the net look an awful like the one my self and you guys who are helping are calling a red turq but hen I see the pics of the royal blue it looks kind of like that

the only one I know for sure is the snake skin but i am not sure if it is a green or red one the other three are throwing me off totally now theres also a blue diamond and cobalt but I know which ones they are so I have 6 in my 55 gallon and I would love to add one more but I know I probaly should not huh?

Well having said all that does this change any ones mind about what they think I have???
in the meant ime I will look for a better pick of the one in question ok?

06-28-2010, 12:46 PM
If you want opinions, that is what you get, if you don't like the opinions, let it be. If you think its x, then it is x.

Discus master
06-28-2010, 12:54 PM
If you want opinions, that is what you get, if you don't like the opinions, let it be. If you think its x, then it is x.

what are you talking about I am not yelling at know one and I am certainly not bashing any ones opion I am just try to figure this out is all I am not making you read or respond to my post you dont have to help or anything, I think I said on nemerous occasions and maybe not in this paticualr thread I apreciate evryones help and feed back and I mean that I am very thankfull for the people in this and other forums for there help I am just asking questions is all sorry if it came out wrong way but no need to be bitter with me I am sorry if I came off in a nasty way or something I just trying to et to the bottom of it is all, I am actually trying to look thru the pics I have to find a better one. Like I said I appologize if I ofended I did not mean to at all I try to alwyas be nice and curtious and I am not thr guy to start stuff thats for sure so again I am very sorry if I said something that got you the worng way that was certainly not my attention thanks everyone for their help thus far yeah I am just still trying to get this all sorted out and looking for better pics now, again I am sorry

Discus master
06-28-2010, 01:00 PM
If you want opinions, that is what you get, if you don't like the opinions, let it be. If you think its x, then it is x.

I think it was my camera or the camera angle I suck at taking pics I am pretty sure the eyes are fine but thank you for the observation any how I ben keeping a very close watch over them sense I got them I want to make sure everything is ok with them for sure but rite now i am just trying to figure out which ones are which lol theres so many diferent strains and so many diferent people calling them diferent things I bet it is very easy for one person to say its one thing and for some one else to say it something else all because of like one tiny diference when in reality there from the same set of parents just an example but yeah thanks for pointin out that eye

06-28-2010, 01:05 PM
Am I the only one getting a headache reading this this.

1. Let's slow it down. Do you need to know exactly what you have at the current moment? Why don't you just sick back, enjoy watching the discus grow and you will have a better idea of what they are as they mature.

2. If you really have to knownow.. Why not start witha a single post with one or more picture of the SAME discus that you want to know the strain. Let start from there and identify that particular discus.

Like keeping discus. slow down and keep it simple before we all get mad at each other (something that happens all the time on Internet forums).

06-28-2010, 04:00 PM
thats a loach in the 4th pic!!! lol with a side of cory cat.

Discus master
06-29-2010, 09:37 AM
thats a loach in the 4th pic!!! lol with a side of cory cat.

You got it other wise known as a Botita Loach or Angle Loach!

06-29-2010, 03:10 PM
Don't get too hung up on names or the fact that you can find 10 completely different looking fish that are all called Red Turqs. That's just the nature of discus keeping. You can get fish that look nothing alike in the same spawn.
Use pictures and names as a VERY general guidline and never assume you know what a fish will look like judging by name only.

Discus master
06-29-2010, 03:34 PM
Don't get too hung up on names or the fact that you can find 10 completely different looking fish that are all called Red Turqs. That's just the nature of discus keeping. You can get fish that look nothing alike in the same spawn.
Use pictures and names as a VERY general guidline and never assume you know what a fish will look like judging by name only.

Yes i know I am beginign to see that now, the only question I would have now is if there are say 10 fish all being called red turq but thy haly look nothing alike then how can people judge how the fish looks for that given strain? I mean isnt there suppose to be a standard for each strain byond just the general shape and what not? in other words isnt a red turqsuppose to look a certain way as is a blue snake skin or a pigeon blood? so if they are bening called the same thing but do not look alike then how can we begin to judge?

I have discus book and on one page there are three pics of a blue discus and each one looks totally different

Iam starting to have the mind set of as long as I like it and it looks cool i really do not care what it is called it just really got confusing to me is all.

06-29-2010, 04:24 PM
I THINK people play around with their discus genetics and ended up with some nice, ugly, ok.etc looking discus, some carry different traits, but if you were to breed them, they should give you that strain because they hold that gene. There are many names flowing within the discus market, fancy names, exotic names, dull names, old school names, you'll name it haha.

Also, one may cross X with Y and decide to name all the offspring after X, but those X discus have the characteristics of Y, hence it does not fully look like X.

Just my vague example haha :)

Discus master
06-30-2010, 09:04 AM
I THINK people play around with their discus genetics and ended up with some nice, ugly, ok.etc looking discus, some carry different traits, but if you were to breed them, they should give you that strain because they hold that gene. There are many names flowing within the discus market, fancy names, exotic names, dull names, old school names, you'll name it haha.

Also, one may cross X with Y and decide to name all the offspring after X, but those X discus have the characteristics of Y, hence it does not fully look like X.

Just my vague example haha :)

I think I understand what you are saying, not sure if I gave you my source as of yet but I got them from a breeder near Baltimore MD called gwynbrooks farms you can check out their site if you wish, i may o back on see if I can find pictures with names to see if I can match mine up again against that, hopefully the site has been up dated, thanks for all the hlp if there are any more thoughts on what i have please go ahead and take a stab but I would like to thnk everyone who has helped me out thus far thanks all who has responded so far