View Full Version : Feeding food that is still frozen

06-28-2010, 10:59 AM
Hey guys, just thought I would finally sign up as I have been lurking around for a while. Im new to discus but not tropical fish. I currently have 6 white butterfly juvies in approx 200 litre tank.They are doing well and are up to about 3 inches now. My question is... Is it ok to feed a cube of frozen food to your discus before letting it defrost? I mean out of my hand? Will it harm the fish being so cold? I have done it a few times and they love eating from my hand but dont want to do them any harm. Sorry for such a stupid question on my first post! Dan.

06-28-2010, 11:24 AM
If it's food like frozen bloodworms, and brine shrimps, I would defrost them and then rinse them with clean water with a net as these cubes could result in high phosphate level resulting in algae. However, I don't see the problem feeding them whilst its still frozen and defrosting within the tank water as that's what we all do when feeding our beefheart mix!

06-28-2010, 11:25 AM
There is no harm in feeding food that is still frozen. They dont really tear off frozsen slabs and swallow it whole. Most people just throw in frozen beef heart, bloodworms etc. Its fine.

06-28-2010, 12:06 PM
Cool, Thanks for the quick replies!

06-28-2010, 01:38 PM
I just throw the cubes or chunks [I hit the slab of bloodworms with a hammer and break it up] into the tank--it floats around, the fish see it and chase it around, biting the thawed portions. No problems. For BH, I cut it [shave it] very thin and by the time it is in the water for 10 seconds, they are attacking with gusto. I have done it this way for years, never had a problem.
Best regards,

06-28-2010, 09:04 PM
Hey guys, just thought I would finally sign up as I have been lurking around for a while. Im new to discus but not tropical fish. I currently have 6 white butterfly juvies in approx 200 litre tank.They are doing well and are up to about 3 inches now. My question is... Is it ok to feed a cube of frozen food to your discus before letting it defrost? I mean out of my hand? Will it harm the fish being so cold? I have done it a few times and they love eating from my hand but dont want to do them any harm. Sorry for such a stupid question on my first post! Dan.

I, being conservative, chop the frozen cube into smaller chunks put it in a small condiment dish and add about 10 - 12 ml of tank water (not faucet water) It takes only moments to bring the small chunks to a the point where it is edible, and will not harm the fish. I ladle the food into the tank with a spoon (silver) (just kidding!)

It is not possible to say how the stomach of a discus reacts to a chunk of frozen food should it hoover the the thing the way they like to do.

06-28-2010, 09:19 PM
I used to feed it still frozen but nowadays I defrost it first in a small cup of tank water and pour it in- the food then swirls around everywhere in the tank simultaneously, ensuring the bullies cannot hog it all to themselves and every fish gets their share. Filtermax-III prefilter sponges ensure no food goes in my canisters and the smaller fish like to graze on food stuck on them. I still hand feed chunks of FBW and BH every so often though, since it is fun :)


06-28-2010, 09:50 PM
I just throw the cubes or chunks [I hit the slab of bloodworms with a hammer and break it up] into the tank--it floats around, the fish see it and chase it around, biting the thawed portions.
+1..I think mine actually enjoy playing and eating at the same time!!:)

06-30-2010, 07:09 PM
I have never defrosted foods. I feed my frozen mix daily and numerous times.


07-01-2010, 07:54 AM
Cheers guys, good to know. Dan.

Elite Aquaria
07-01-2010, 08:01 AM
I also never thaw my frozen foods.