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07-14-2010, 11:00 PM
Just want to pass on a note to fellow Canadian discus buyers and highly recommend April's Pets (also a sponsor here). I have ordered several times from April and always had great fish sent every time. She packages everything very well and is always quick to get back to any emails or pm's you send her.
A very special thanks goes out this time for the fish I received yesterday.
I set a date for delivery, then cancelled. Set another date for delivery and cancelled again. And I think maybe even one more time after that....I'm sure she was pulling her hair out every time I called or emailed....lol
One of the times, she even had them packed up and due to my business, I had to cancel AGAIN, so back into her tanks they went.....however when I got them yesterday, they are beautiful. Especially the Dale Jordon Wild X's. Will post pictures of them once they settle in.....so thanks again April and keep up the great job!!!!!!!!

07-14-2010, 11:25 PM
thanks dean. glad they are finally up in the great north. are the dale babies eating their tuna you made? hope so..

07-14-2010, 11:53 PM
Yeah, she's pretty awesome isn't she???!!!! Don't tell her though; we need to keep her humble ;) You're lucky you got those babies. I just BET she was getting pretty darn attached to them. Good thing there will be more soon enough.

Good luck with them, Dale, and make sure you keep us posted (I need something to compare mine too!)


07-15-2010, 09:16 AM
Babies are eating the salmon/tuna mix. That is exactly the size I was hoping for. Let the challenge begin......lol
And maybe your are right Shelley....don't want to over inflate someones ego...lol......I will post pictures as they grow.....