View Full Version : Another Tankmates Qs

Tito TW
07-17-2010, 10:08 PM
Hello Guys;

Well unfortunately I have lost my 1st ever discus, I had it for over a year and it was sad to see it go :( In an effort to help to keep the tank clean I introduced a pleco, I monitored it for weeks and it was all fine, all of the sudden it appears that he got a taste of the side of the Discus and within 3 days he did so much damage that the discus never recovered and eventually died.

I was looking at this thread


Because of what happened I got a couple of Flying Fox which I was told would do the job and won't harm the discus, they are doing fine but I don't think they clean jack! :mad:

I need a crew that will clean the gravel good, but that won't harm my other discus.............

What do you guys suggest??? :( I don't want to make the same mistake again.

Thanks in Advance

07-18-2010, 05:53 PM
Bushy Nose plecos are usually a safe bet.

Tito TW
07-18-2010, 07:45 PM
Thank you, I will get one of those, I just noticed that the Flying Fox is trying to suck on the side of the discus :mad: should I be concern or no harm will be done?:(

07-18-2010, 08:04 PM
Thank you, I will get one of those, I just noticed that the Flying Fox is trying to suck on the side of the discus :mad: should I be concern or no harm will be done?:(

Monitor that FF, and if damages are dealt, give it away. Otherwise, if you are anxious, sell it ;) IMO if you get a bristlenose, you won't be needing that Flying Fox and that since the FF is "trying" to suck the life out of the discus, take it out of the tank immediately (when you have actually witness it attacking the discus).

07-18-2010, 08:11 PM
If you are wanting to make sure food gets eaten off the gravel...get cory cats. If you want algae eaters, slime sucker get bristlenose plecos.

Tito TW
07-18-2010, 08:42 PM
Thank you so much! I have relocated the FF to much stress for us after my other loss :o

I wonder why they find the side of the discus so good? they don't have any algae there :confused:

07-18-2010, 09:47 PM
Bristlenose Plecos, Siamese Algae Eaters, and Oto's make a nice clean up crew, I have had them with my Discus and have no problems.

07-19-2010, 02:30 PM
Bristlenose Plecos, Siamese Algae Eaters, and Oto's make a nice clean up crew, I have had them with my Discus and have no problems.

I've never had problems with any of these either but I know that some people have report issues with ottos.

Tito TW
07-20-2010, 03:01 PM
Do they have a different name for the Bushy Nose plecos ? I went to 3 different pet shops last night but I didn't see that particular name :o