View Full Version : Fry Size For A 90 Gallon

07-18-2010, 02:12 PM
I recently acquired some of Dale Jordan Wild X's and they are currently in a 28 gallon tank I have. My question is, would it hurt to move them into a 90 gallon bare bottom tank. The smallest is about the size of a quarter and a couple of the bigger ones are around 1 1/4" size. I have 11 of them. Would this be ok as I feel the water quality would remain more constant. I know it's a lot of tank for small fry, but I could put a couple smaller pieces of driftwood in with them to make them feel more secure....any feedback would be appreciated....

07-18-2010, 03:30 PM
I'd leave em in the 29gal until they were 2.5". Then partition off a section of the 90 gal with Poret foam and increase area as they grow. IMHO a 90 gal with or without deco would be kinda stressfull on fry that young. If you are worried about WQ it would be better for them to have 20gal of fresh water every day than 90 gal that wouldn't get changed out with fresh as often even though it remains more stable, with the smaller tank you would not have to worry if changed every day.

07-18-2010, 03:41 PM
I agree. Juvies don't feed as well, with as much enthusiasm, when just a few have a large area to graze over and it affects their growth. They need the confinement to encourage competition.
Also, a small tank is easier to keep clean.

07-18-2010, 04:48 PM
i would move then into the 90, but i'd add some cover and partition the tank off.

07-18-2010, 10:17 PM
thanks everyone.....I kind of thought that. I would have still did regular 50% water changes, but I figured that 90 gallons was a lot of play room for small discus.....
can you keep 11 small fry in a 29 gallon tank till they are 2.5", without them getting stunted....just curious joanr

07-18-2010, 10:42 PM
thanks everyone.....I kind of thought that. I would have still did regular 50% water changes, but I figured that 90 gallons was a lot of play room for small discus.....
can you keep 11 small fry in a 29 gallon tank till they are 2.5", without them getting stunted....just curious joanr

Yep, the ten gal per fish rule is for adult size discus and with all the w/c we do for the little juvies they would be fine for quite awhile. I like 40gal breeder tanks for growout also but a 30 gal would be fine. What would stunt them would be illness, poor water quality, not enough food, bad genetics and so forth.

07-19-2010, 12:15 AM
thanks joan
agreed with good water conditions food etc.....the 29 gallon is the only tank I have free right now, so it's that or the 90 gallon....lol.....thanks for responding back to me and take care

ps love your wc fields quotation.....lol