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View Full Version : Discus Tank at Atlanta Aquarium

07-21-2010, 08:44 PM
Hello Discus Lovers,

I was just at the Atlanta Aquarium and thought I would share some photo's of the Discus tank there.










This looks like a pair ready to lay eggs.


Thanks for looking,


07-21-2010, 10:29 PM
As much as I love the shots and the fish look good, I find it amazing that a public aquarium would build a display and use hybrid fish instead of wild fish unless they clearly marked them as such.

Please don't take this the wrong way, it's just that if the intent is to replicate a Amazonian biotype (it may not be) then they are misleading people, kinda like putting flowerhorns on a display and call them "wild" fish from Asia...you get my point.

In any case, thanks for sharing!


07-22-2010, 11:46 PM
I took my high school science students to the Georgia Aquarium earlier this year (it's only a 30min drive for me), and I also took a few photos of the discus tank. I didn't bother to post them on Simply because, to be quite honest about it, I really don't think it is all that great a tank, especially since they are not even bothering to display wild discus as others have said. I think whoever in charge just decided the brightly colored domestic discus were more eye-catching or something similar, and less sensitive to water conditions etc, and went that route rather than getting hold of some really good wilds. Not just that, but aquascaping-wise, the biotope tanks posted by members of this forum and those on the AGA contest website are miles better IMHO. I would have thought that with the resources the aquarium has, it would not have been a problem for them to buy a dozen top-notch wilds and display them at their best. Oh well. Maybe someone among the aquarium staff will read this thread and eventually have the tank redone at some future time...


07-22-2010, 11:57 PM
Man, Ive not been to the aquarium since 05, they didnt have discus then. Ill have to drag the GF through there one weekend.

07-23-2010, 08:11 AM
I think for the most part they were probably trying to grab the attention of the kids with the colors of the discus. You are all right regarding no wilds. I asked one of the attendants of the discus (seemed to be clueless) and he said he thought they were from the wilds, Lol.

All in all I thought the tank was nice size maybe 800 gallons or so. they also had a very nice cichlid tank as well.


07-23-2010, 08:15 AM
Bologna aquarium, the biggest in Europe, had pretty convincing dispplay of wild discus habitat (varius driftwood, floating plants with beige sand and a wild discus couple. The male look like a guvernator version of discus fish.