View Full Version : Are discus right for me?

Patrick Cox
07-24-2010, 08:44 AM
Hi all, I am starting a 65 gallon tank (36Lx18Dx24H) and I am really attracted to discus fish but I am worried they might not be right for me or for this tank so before I dive in, I wanted to get some input if I could.

My two main concerns are...

1. Are the tank dimensions appropriate for discus? (I would not want them to be crowded.) And if so, how many? I also want to add some cardinal tetras and I will have some drift wood, rocks and a few plants. Not overcrowded though. Something along the lines of this beautiful tank but smaller.


2. I know I will only want to change water once per week so is this adequate for discus?

Any other comments would be appreciated as well.

Thanks much!

07-26-2010, 12:52 PM
Hi Patrick,
Your tank size/dimensions are just fine for a few discus, (especially the 24" height, imo). More detail later.
I'm sure many experts will tell you to start with bare bottom, given that it's more difficult to start with discus in a planted tank, and it is - but it can be done, will look great, but will just require somewhat more work & attention
than BB.
I have maintained a 55 gal. planted (low-tech) tank with 6 juvie discus - (now up to 4" -from 2" when I got them) - for some months & everything is doing well. (Tank also has a few neons & 3 cories). As my fish were growing out, I was, & still am, doing 3 X-50% w/c's per week. I have the time, don't mind that schedule, & I maintain pristine water conditions/chemistry at all times & a very clean tank/filters/substrate, etc.
Temp. is 85 F, & plants have become well-acclimated (i.e. hygros, ludwigia, different swords, java fern, c/s val.) - very little algae to speak of, w/regular moderate excel dosing. Just giving you details so you have some idea where I'm coming from.
In your case, you have a particular problem in that you wish to restrict your w/c's to one per week. Can be done, but not with small juvie fish, who do need frequent w/c's & feedings - i'm talking about 2" to 3" fish.

If you're going to try it - & imo, go for it, I would suggest going with 4 to 6 fish - at least 4" size, obtained from a reputable breeder or importer (not a LFS), particularly any one of the sponsors here on sd.
Best of luck !
Any more info wanted, pls. just ask.