View Full Version : PH Wont go Down

07-28-2010, 07:07 AM

I have a 95 gallon planted tank with 10 discus. I am using RO water that has a PH of 6.4/6.6 but my tank is still running 7.4/7.6. I do regularly 70% water changes 3 times a week. I read a few threads not recommending chemicals to lower the PH so here I am asking the experts.

I have a Fluval 405 and an AquaClear 110 cleaning the tank. There is no charcoal in either filter. My substrate is Eco-Complete about 4 inches deep in back 3 inches in front. I have a dozen small Corys and a few Albino Bristlenose for maintenance.

Any advise would be appreciated.


07-28-2010, 07:16 AM

I have a 95 gallon planted tank with 10 discus. I am using RO water that has a PH of 6.4/6.6 but my tank is still running 7.4/7.6. I do regularly 70% water changes 3 times a week. I read a few threads not recommending chemicals to lower the PH so here I am asking the experts.

I have a Fluval 405 and an AquaClear 110 cleaning the tank. There is no charcoal in either filter. My substrate is Eco-Complete about 4 inches deep in back 3 inches in front. I have a dozen small Corys and a few Albino Bristlenose for maintenance.

Any advise would be appreciated.


7.4-7.6 is good, why do you want to drop it more if you don't mind me asking?

07-28-2010, 07:24 AM
I read that discus "prefer" a lower PH is all. When my little guys get bigger I thought the lower the Ph the more successful in breeding.

Thank you,


07-28-2010, 07:30 AM
I read that discus "prefer" a lower PH is all. When my little guys get bigger I thought the lower the Ph the more successful in breeding.

Thank you,


Not at all, wild caught discus may prefer lower PH but most domestics have been grown out in water with a higher PH value. Lots of people keep discus in a PH close to 8 and their fish are HAPPY. I'd wait until you actually have a pair spawn to start thinking of adjusting your hardness.


07-28-2010, 07:53 AM
Thank you Eddie for the great advice. This is why I love this website!


07-28-2010, 02:12 PM

I have a 95 gallon planted tank with 10 discus. I am using RO water that has a PH of 6.4/6.6 but my tank is still running 7.4/7.6. I do regularly 70% water changes 3 times a week. I read a few threads not recommending chemicals to lower the PH so here I am asking the experts.

I have a Fluval 405 and an AquaClear 110 cleaning the tank. There is no charcoal in either filter. My substrate is Eco-Complete about 4 inches deep in back 3 inches in front. I have a dozen small Corys and a few Albino Bristlenose for maintenance.

Any advise would be appreciated.

DiscusLoverJeff I'm trying to see why the ph climbs so much. A 70% wc with a potential ph difference of a whole point ought to be stressing the fish. Is the ph of 6.4-.6 straight out of the tap? You need to check the ph straight out of the tap, and again after it has aged overnight in a bucket with aeration. If the ph is higher in the bucket than the tap, you need to be ageing your water. Also, are you adding anything back to the ro before it goes in the tank?

07-28-2010, 04:14 PM
It could be that your RO water is not in equilibrium with the atmosphere and actually has some extra CO2 dissolved in it. Try letting a sample of the RO water sit overnight or aerate a sample before you test the pH. Not that it matters to the Discus but it's good to know what's going on.

07-29-2010, 02:53 PM
I let my RO water sit in an aerated holding tank over night (mostly 48 hours before water change). I have tested the PH from my tap and it is 7.6/7.8.

I am worried now that doing a 70% might stress out the fish so I will for a while do 40% maybe 50% every third day and see within the next month or so how it is. I am not adding any additional chemicals to the RO. It goes from holding tank to aquarium after a couple days.

As mention by other Discus lovers, if the fish are happy with a higher PH then so am I.

Thank you,


07-29-2010, 07:02 PM
So what's the ph from your holding tank after the water has aged? Why are you using RO, and why are you using it straight? I wouldn't recommend keeping discus in straight RO.

07-30-2010, 02:12 AM
Hi all,

How are you using your R/O?

Do not bother testing the pH of pure R/O. That is only possible with real expensive high tec gear wich we normal guys dont have.
If you know your tap pH is at 7.4 or whatever you can start mixing it with pure R/O. like 50% Tap 50% R/O and then go from there.

I would recommend though that if breeding is the focus you should work with TDS/Conductivity. Cutting tap if need be is the same procedure.
By bringing the TDS/Conductivity in more appropiated breeding range you most ceratin bring the pH down also. But as mentioned befor the pH is not that big of an issue unless you are working with wilds which is a hole other can of worms hihi