View Full Version : Pics of my new tank set up

Discus master
08-02-2010, 02:24 PM
Well the tank is not new just a new set up, I wanted to see how these pics turned out. I think I may have a Runt but can not tell I am not even sure what he is I have been told he is a SS but I am not sold.

Well anyways here some pics I will try and get more posted when i can, fish are growing out pretty well I had them for about 2 months now except or the blue diamond and blue cobalt I had them longer so I will let you see what you all think. Remeber my first set up here my first Biotope Discus tank.


I like this one he is my Turq

Discus master
08-02-2010, 02:27 PM
Well the tank is not new just a new set up, I wanted to see how these pics turned out. I think I may have a Runt but can not tell I am not even sure what he is I have been told he is a SS but I am not sold.

Well anyways here some pics I will try and get more posted when i can, fish are growing out pretty well I had them for about 2 months now except or the blue diamond and blue cobalt I had them longer so I will let you see what you all think. Remeber my first set up here my first Biotope Discus tank.


I like this one he is my Turq

My Red Turq nice color on him/her i think

The Runt??? a SS maybe

And I have some more of the other ones closer up of the SS and cobal and the Ble Diamond but doing this from work and the conncetion it is taking forever to get anything loaded up on photbuckett from here but I will get more to you guys let me know what you think, and if that one is a runt once they grew up some I am going to replace him or get another one do a good QT with it and add him to these and just let that runt stay in there at least till there all grown up but in the end I want 6 nice sized adults. All are healthy and eating well so I am not sure what his deal is.

Discus master
08-02-2010, 02:37 PM
It's like I got great shape on all of my other discus in my opinion of course I am no expert just judging off what I have seen but that one looks like a runt to me I think his eyes are kind of big to I do not know what happen to him I took care of him like I did the other ones so go figure

08-02-2010, 02:40 PM
forgive me for being a RA_Tard!.. but is SS and LSS somekind of standard or classification for Discus quality/pedigree.?!?!

Discus master
08-02-2010, 02:47 PM
forgive me for being a RA_Tard!.. but is SS and LSS somekind of standard or classification for Discus quality/pedigree.?!?!

SS is snake skin and it can be red ss blue ss orange ss or what ever color ss snake skin and I think an LSS is a Lepord Snake Skin I am pretty sure at least.

08-02-2010, 02:53 PM
OOH>. I C :D

Discus master
08-02-2010, 02:56 PM
Heres is one with the whole gang!!


Can you guess the runt? I think all these guys are 3 - 5 months old I am guessing?

Discus master
08-02-2010, 02:58 PM
Almost looks like they were possing for this one I just wish I could see my turq and SS in the back round there a little better, sense this pic I put the black back ground on and re arraged some of the branches plus there is some floating vine at the top you can not see I will get some more pics up as soon as I can

08-02-2010, 03:06 PM
dm what substrate? pool sand?

08-02-2010, 07:47 PM
Looks good! keep them puppies fed and sand clean and they'll love you for it. ;)

All the best,


Discus master
08-02-2010, 08:00 PM






Ok OK I know it is a lot of pics so watch you guys think oh and is the one a runt or what or stunted and why I treated them all the same??

08-02-2010, 08:17 PM
aww, I have a couple myself dm, i kinda like them so gave them their own tank.

Discus master
08-02-2010, 09:39 PM
aww, I have a couple myself dm, i kinda like them so gave them their own tank.

Is this last one a red or brown snake skin I can not tell?

what did you give a tank of their own the stunted discus? I only have the one i suppose I could add one more especially if he will not be getting much bigger than what the harm??? I think the turq are my favorite I could have an entire tank of just those red and regular tiurqs hmm maybe for the next tank?

08-02-2010, 09:54 PM
re edited. gave you blue verses red turk info. Actually not sure about the ss.

08-02-2010, 09:58 PM
Yes today I set up a tank for the little ones. Still have to get around to cleaning out the big one for the fish I have in qt. Going to give the pool filter sand a shot and waiting on some wood to come in mail. Decided just going to do baby tears on the driftwood and mix with silk plants. Reason for this is planted tanks require so much more equipment and time, and well I have 11 other animals to care for on top of my job.

Is this last one a red or brown snake skin I can not tell?

what did you give a tank of their own the stunted discus? I only have the one i suppose I could add one more especially if he will not be getting much bigger than what the harm??? I think the turq are my favorite I could have an entire tank of just those red and regular tiurqs hmm maybe for the next tank?

Discus master
08-03-2010, 09:24 AM
Yes today I set up a tank for the little ones. Still have to get around to cleaning out the big one for the fish I have in qt. Going to give the pool filter sand a shot and waiting on some wood to come in mail. Decided just going to do baby tears on the driftwood and mix with silk plants. Reason for this is planted tanks require so much more equipment and time, and well I have 11 other animals to care for on top of my job.

Thats cool you do not mind the little guys I want 6 huge discus in the end from all my hard work I deserve it any one who really cares for their discus and bust their a** to take care of them properly deserves the largest fish they can grow out to be. I think the runt was at the bottom of the food chain so when they are close to full grown I will go out and buy an adult and qt him and add him to the tank maybe letting the runt stay in I am not sure though I know I will have the room for him if he does not get much bigger. The other ones are growing very nicely for me I can tell each week they seem a little bigger and in comparing photos you can really tell that way but that runt has not really gotten much bigger than when I first bought him a little bit. In fact my SS was smaller than him at fist now my ss is larger than him in fact I thought the ss was going to be my runt but he grew faster and bigger and now he is not the runt and he is not at the bottom I know this guy is though and now he is the smallest. My healthy ss is not the largest but he is doing great I would say my cobalt is the largest of all but the turqs are catching up.

08-03-2010, 10:03 AM
what is your substrate in the tank?

Discus master
08-03-2010, 11:29 AM
what is your substrate in the tank?

Oh i am sorry you did ask that before didn't you it is pool filter sand good stuff.

But I really recomend crush coral or live rock for the best results just a little pricey for me, LOL ha ha :angel: