View Full Version : and im back

08-07-2010, 04:43 PM
wow its been awhile since i have stepped around this forum not even lurking, i can tell i have a lot of catching up to do but update for me is all my fish are doing great, i added another 200 gall glass tank to my collection, that makes 2 of them and im also in the process of collecting a larger tank fully set up with 150 gallon sump 4 jager heaters 8 t5 lights and4 metal halides not sure of wattage... and a dolphin 4800 gal per hour pump... :)

tank is 10ft long by 3 ft tall and 3 ft wide :D assuming 400-500 gall???

and its gonna be donated to me as of now :D:o:p ill post some pics when i start the transport and stocking of this monster.... now i gotta go read and catch up

08-07-2010, 05:04 PM
and it will be a discus tank... thinking huge biotope i have recently collected some large pieces of wood that would look awsome.. may some angels, neons, rams, pleco... would love a arowana or peacock bass because thats the right size tank for them but... thinking ill stick with the smaller fish

08-07-2010, 05:44 PM
Wow, I can hardly wait to see what a 10' long tank, all set up, looks like! How strong is your floor? Will you use scuba gear to clean it :D? Good luck with it all and take pics!

08-07-2010, 06:32 PM
Luckly for me I'm on a slab and if not I would just make a footing for it to displace as much weight as possible, but I was also thinking since it is so big I could leave water level half way and have anubis growing out of the water.. And tree branches with possible frogs and geckos.. With ivy growing over it... At least that's what I have in my head... Fog/rain machine and black lights for the frogs... Man I'm so excited I hope it works out... Odds are about 90 % sure I'm getting it so cross my fingers