View Full Version : best cammallanus treatment?

Don Trinko
08-10-2010, 09:37 AM
I have one fish that apears to have cammallanus . I have levamisol and I have fenbensadol on order.
I do understand that Fenbensadol is only used in the food. I feed flake, color bits and FBW. What methods are there for adding to the food? Is it safe in the food? (read many horror stories abought side effests on fish)
Are there any other treatments to consider? Thanks; Don T.

08-10-2010, 09:43 AM
You could roll with Levamisole in the water or food. Or you could use Fenbendazole in food but you'd have to have a good binder to keep it from getting into the water.


David Rose
08-10-2010, 10:06 AM
Best of luck Don with getting things back on track!

08-11-2010, 08:21 PM
I'd go with levamixole personally, 2 ppm, treat again in 2-3 weeks. You can go higher but it doesn't seem more effective

08-12-2010, 07:35 AM
I had the worst time with this a while ago with some apisto's.
Levamisole didnt work on my fish even when I went up to 10ppm so I turned to fenbendazole (panacur100).

It comes as a liquid so used about 3mls in a shot glass and put in 1 block of predrained frozen bloodworms for 30 minutes. Drained the liquid away and put it in the tank.

I became a fan of this stuff pretty quick. I found dead worms in the bottom of the qt tank the following morning.

For some reason fenbendazole seems to have alot worse reaction with discus than other fish but I dont know why. The apistos were fine afterwards.

David Rose
08-13-2010, 09:52 AM
Any updates Don? Hope all is going well for ya!:)

Don Trinko
08-18-2010, 02:59 PM
tryed levamisol, apears to be doing nothing. I have some fenbensadol but I'm not real anxious to use it because of reported side effects etc.
I understand you only use it in food not water. I'm thinking of seperating the fish and feeding it only to that fish but the others may get some accidentaly. I'll probably start with a very small amount and see what happens. Don T.

David Rose
08-18-2010, 03:19 PM
tryed levamisol, apears to be doing nothing. I have some fenbensadol but I'm not real anxious to use it because of reported side effects etc.
I understand you only use it in food not water. I'm thinking of seperating the fish and feeding it only to that fish but the others may get some accidentaly. I'll probably start with a very small amount and see what happens. Don T.

Sorry to hear that the Levamisol isn't working. Hopefully soon. I read about issues with Fluben...(head standing etc) but never heard about any issues the Feben form. Even with the Fluben... I thought it was possibly overdosing that caused the issues. I may be wrong about that.

I never saw any worms expelled when I used Levamisol. Not sure why, but the one that was skinny is fattening up again.

Best of luck regardless. Maybe Eddie or someone else using both can advise.


08-18-2010, 03:53 PM
Using fenbendazole in food is relatively safe. Some practitioners aqdvocate using it in the water too, but I know of several instances when the discus have reacted badly, with fatalities, through doing this. With Flubendazole I believe the issues people have seen have been down to the carrier, i.e. DMSO. Untergasser for one states there may be a risk to the fish when using DMSO, however I persoanlly have never had an issue with using flubendazole with, or without DMSO - well expcept for the smell when using DMSO!!

Flubendazole dissolved in DMSO is extremely effective ime, I have used the "over the counter" versions of flubendazole which are supposed to dissolve, but they don't as the carrier is just calcium carbonate. It still works though, but not as effective ime and the dosing on the packaging is, in my view and according to Untergasser and Noga, wrong. Both Untergasser and Noga recommend 2mg/litre. The suggested dosage of the over the counter med is 0.3 grams of the powder containing 5% flubendazole for each 114 litres (30 gals), which if my maths is right is 0.132 mg/litre so way off!

I now use a product by Janssen Animal Health called Flubenol, which uses titanium oxide as the carrier and contains 5% flubendazole, this dissolves and works, at least at the 2mg/litre dosage rate.

One thing with camallanus worms is that they generally need extended treatment durations, even up to 30 days both with levimasole or flubendazole. I have successfully treated camallanus using flubendazole.

Note that my maths may be wrong, I've just done a 14 hour day at work so am tired :o

08-18-2010, 05:08 PM
Ha! like I said, I am tired :o that's my excuse and I am sticking to it. Untergassers dosing is 2mg/litre of the 5% flubendazole powder so the dosage given on the over the counter med is correct! btw my maths were right, just my memory was poor ....

David Rose
08-19-2010, 10:10 AM
Ha! like I said, I am tired :o that's my excuse and I am sticking to it. Untergassers dosing is 2mg/litre of the 5% flubendazole powder so the dosage given on the over the counter med is correct! btw my maths were right, just my memory was poor ....

Great information regardless Paul! I wish flubendazole was readily available here in the US, but I keep running into the FDA restrictions that seem to be imposed. It makes me wonder how there are a few ppl/places selling it. Perhaps through a Vet?

08-19-2010, 07:12 PM
I've treated for this using Angel Plus flakes. I believe the active ingredients was Lev. in the flakes.

08-19-2010, 07:18 PM
I've treated for this using Angel Plus flakes. I believe the active ingredients was Lev. in the flakes.

Fenbendazole is the active ingredient in Angel Plus De-Worming flakes.

David Rose
08-20-2010, 10:01 AM
Fenbendazole is the active ingredient in Angel Plus De-Worming flakes.


08-28-2010, 11:02 AM
Found this place selling flubendazole in the States.


here's some info for Levamisole from another forum


08-29-2010, 09:41 PM
here is another