View Full Version : Free swimmers and BBS

08-11-2010, 10:26 PM
Ive done a search and most of the consenus is anywhere from 5-7 days free swimming is when fry start eating BBS. Im at 7 days now and my fry dont seem to be eating them yet. They are still growing super fast, there are only 4 left though from the 1st batch. Just wasnt sure if there was something ive been missing here. I started with BBS 2 days ago and do it twice a day but they just dont seem interested what so ever. Any ideas or tips? Im using a syringe and squirting it right over mom/fry and they pay no heed.

08-11-2010, 10:39 PM
hmm sounds like you won't have any in a day or so but would just keep trying till then

08-11-2010, 10:55 PM
Another day should tell us much.

08-11-2010, 11:03 PM
I always start feeding BB at 4 days of attachment. You have to feed alot at a time because they dont seem to find it to well. I start first with a turkey baster and put it right on top of mom and dad. They will pick it up. My 2 week olds are eatting BBshrimp,beefheart and F dryed black worms. Also you do know that when they lay again they will think the 4 fry are a thret and eat them. So there only hope is for you to get them on BB shrimp so you can move them/


08-11-2010, 11:03 PM
ok ill keep trying. Theres only 4 left and they are growing like CRAZY!!! but i cant see them eating anything but the moms skin/slime w/e it is they are eating. I just am not sure if they are or not, doesnt look like it. Ill keep at it and hope for the best, if not theres another 40 wrigglers or so on the cone thatll be at this stage in another 10 days or so hopefully

08-12-2010, 01:16 AM
I have a post in the breeding section Deepfly. Theres a vid there....not highest quality, but you can see, the parents have the 7 day old free swimmers and also another batch of now 2 day old wrigglers and no problems yet. Thanks for the feeding info. Ill keep at it and see how it goes

08-15-2010, 02:02 PM
how do you powder the freeze dried blackworms. i cant seem to get them small enough to feed little ones.



08-16-2010, 07:32 PM
how do you powder the freeze dried blackworms. i cant seem to get them small enough to feed little ones.



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