View Full Version : Handling Discus

08-14-2010, 02:29 PM
Sometimes I see pictures of Discus being held flat in someones hand to take a picture. Can Discus be handled by hand. I have some Discus in a bucket. It seems to me it might be less awkward to just let most of the water out of the bucket and then pick up the fish with the flat of the hand rather than using a net.

08-14-2010, 03:22 PM
I always transfer them by hand, but first I'll remove rings then rub some w/c conditioner on my hands so when I touch them they won't loose their slime coat as easily. Makes it a bit slippery but works well and no net! They calm down as soon as they hit my palm and I cup my other hand over the top side and transfer. You have to watch their eyes, they have no protection there.

08-14-2010, 03:40 PM
I don't think there is a categoric yes or no. If you have the experience and your fish are acclimated, yes. If you're the type who creeps out at slimy things moving in your hands, I'd say no. The risk of dropping and harming the fish outweigh any ease of transfer.

I generally don't like nets. Hands are preferable because less slime is lost. But my fish are not acclimated to handling so I don't do it. (I have no problem handling fish. I'm an angler and I touch a LOT of fish).

I prefer using food safe plastic containers because the fish are not touched and I feel they're less stressed. (At least I think they're less stressed).


08-14-2010, 04:15 PM
Yep, the plastic container is another good method!

08-15-2010, 11:50 AM
I also use the plastic container method when possible. It seems to work well.

08-15-2010, 12:00 PM
I net fish from tank to tank, but catching fish for show competition can be a real problem. What works for me is a plastic colander. I'm usually able to get the big ones out of the tank without ripping a fin or scratching them...usually :p.


08-15-2010, 06:59 PM
If I am moving the adult’s pairs then I will move them by hand. One pair I have are fine with it and calm right down when I remove them from the water. The younger ones seem to go nuts the first few times but better to move around in my hand than in a net I think.

The colander idea is a good one; I will have to get one of those.