View Full Version : EGG EATERS!

08-28-2010, 09:40 PM
Hi All,

After a few years and about 20 discus in 4 tanks, I have a pair!!. I have isolated them to their own tank and placed a nice flat stone in which they occasionally lay eggs. Here is my problem. The eggs have gone as far as wigglers and then they get eaten by one of the parents. The other two times they have laid eggs, they eat the eggs just before they are going to hatch. I have read about artificially hatching the eggs, but Im not sure how and if thats the best course of action.

At this point Im not sure how to proceed. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
:( :confused:

Keith Perkins
08-28-2010, 10:15 PM
Probably the easiest first step is to remove one of them from the tank after they have spawned. Discus can raise a batch of fry with only one parent relatively easily. Generally folks say that the female is most often the culprit, so I would try removing her. If the eggs or wrigglers still disappear, put them back together and after the next spawn remove the other one. Hopefully you'll be able to identify the eater and continue to remove them for a bit until you're willing to let them both try to go the distance together again.