View Full Version : hmmm, my PE is a female

08-28-2010, 10:40 PM
she's laying eggs on the back wall of the aquarium and the carnation turk is picking on her. The CT has been bullying her all night. The CT is not fertilizing the eggs though, so not a male or ???

update, the Turk is a male.

08-28-2010, 11:19 PM
Do you see any other tubes down?

08-28-2010, 11:31 PM
they both look the same?? the red turk juvie has successfully eaten half of them but they are still laying. the pe goes up first, the carnation bullys in and bumps pe out of the way

08-28-2010, 11:44 PM
hmm Are there tubes both thick or a thick and skinny? If they are both thick then they are both female. It is common for pairs to push each other away sometimes when spawning. At least in my tank.

08-28-2010, 11:47 PM
the tubes are both short? the carnation is aggressively defending the spot from the other discus. eggs are all brown except one that turned white. less than 50 left but still going at it.

08-28-2010, 11:54 PM
can you snap a couple pics while the tubes are still down? That would help.

08-28-2010, 11:56 PM
too late they both abandoned their post and juvie moved in and finished all the egss off! What a disappointment.

Keith Perkins
08-28-2010, 11:57 PM
The males tubes are definitely smaller and much more pointed, triangular, than the females which are thicker and blunt. My guesses are that either the second fish is also a female or you're just not getting a good enough look at the parts to see the difference. If you're right that both tubes are the same, you're out of luck. Females definitely at times appear to a certain degree to pair up.

08-29-2010, 12:00 AM
for sure the pe is more blunt. oh well, was fun to watch and those two's fry would have been ???

The males tubes are definitely smaller and much more pointed, triangular, than the females which are thicker and blunt. My guesses are that either the second fish is also a female or you're just not getting a good enough look at the parts to see the difference. If you're right that both tubes are the same, you're out of luck. Females definitely at times appear to a certain degree to pair up.

08-29-2010, 12:05 AM
Sounds like you have a pair. The males are often times lazy during there first spawn and will either not fertilize or make very few passes. Hopefully next time you will be able to get a good look at them.:) Dan

08-29-2010, 12:07 AM
what would that cross look like, do you know? I was hoping the aes and the pe would pair up.

08-29-2010, 03:11 AM
what would that cross look like, do you know? I was hoping the aes and the pe would pair up.

That combination will throw turqs, leopards, eruptions and some in betweens. :D

08-29-2010, 06:55 AM
those inbetweens would be ugly I'm sure:)

08-29-2010, 07:01 AM
those inbetweens would be ugly I'm sure:)

No no, might just be some throwbacks. ;)

08-29-2010, 07:02 AM
NEW AVITAR??? nice fish Eddie!

08-29-2010, 08:45 AM
well they're getting ready to go at it again so I will post pics when I can.:)

08-29-2010, 09:59 AM
ok here are some pics. They might both be female??

08-29-2010, 07:23 PM
Yeah, the whole tube thing usually works well once the 2 have wrigglers and differentiating between just those 2. I've got a few males that are well endowed and the tubes are like 3 times the size of the females in girth. :o

08-29-2010, 07:26 PM
well, those wigglers will never happen with the caviar muncher in the tank! the tubes look alike on both fish.

08-29-2010, 07:45 PM
well, those wigglers will never happen with the caviar muncher in the tank! the tubes look alike on both fish.

Give them some time, either its a male that needs practice or another female. ;)

08-29-2010, 07:50 PM

Give them some time, either its a male that needs practice or another female. ;)