View Full Version : 2 discus not eating, 1 already gone

09-03-2010, 10:51 AM
First off, I'm a noob. Been having discus for several months now. My HEAVILY planted tank was set up over a year. I started with 3 discus about 4 months ago and purchased 4 more last month and I just lost one of the new ones yesterday. (Yellow one, see pic below)

He didn't eat but didn't look unhealthy either. I thought he's new and needed time to adjust. But now the other two (one old one new) are not eating. The 'old' one keep hiding in the corner but the new one is sticking with one of the other 'new' so he's not really "hiding" (not sure if that makes sense...)

One of my (veteran) discus friend think he has gill flukes but the fishes are not gasping for air or anything. It did just before it died... before that he just stay in place from one corner to another.

Tank parameters:
pH: 6.8
ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate 2ppm
temp: 84-85 during the day and maybe -2 at night (I have a lot of heat from my light)
I do 50% weekly change
Also added CO2 at 1-2bpm but stop it since my fish died.
no fertilizer added at the moment b/c I'm afraid it may harm them

I've set up a QT tank for them (20gal tall). I used the main tank water but after a day, it looks very VERY cloudy so I changed most of it out for new water. Probably b/c I didn't have any bacteria in my filter... I'll have to grab one of the canister filter and hook it there before I put anybody in.

The cobalt blue and the blue diamond are the two that's not eating and hiding.
I lost the yellow one.
the red and the one on the far right (can't remember strain name) are the two in the main tank that's eating right now.

Pics: sorry, I have a very crappy 10 years old camera

Here's a pic of the majority of them, this is when I first added them. There's a small one that's only about 2" so I keep him in a bare tank until he get bigger. I also took the main bully (2nd from the left in first picture) and put him in there. yes yes, I know, bad to put a 6" with a 2" but I have no choice... he doesn't harass the small one at all, only when feeding. Good thing he doesn't eat BW and the small one wont eat anything BUT BW so it work out well.

The red one's hiding behind that big piece of driftwood.


Old pic of the original Trio. see the red one guarding his spot? He's the bully in the tank now.

Just took these pics:

Blue Diamond that's not eating:

Cobalt blue hiding in the left corner and rarely come out:

09-03-2010, 04:10 PM
Have you noticed any feces? If so..what color/shape?
Are the fish in question 'clamped' or just hiding?

09-03-2010, 07:01 PM
Interesting that you lost one so fast, my thoughts are co2 had something to do with it. Them not eating isn't the culprit, they are new. Now, it does seem to me that you skipped quarantine. It's gonna be a tough one to deal with because now the main tank may have issues. Watch the fish for other symptoms and keep us updated.


09-04-2010, 01:27 AM
I have noticed the feces. They are long white stringy and it's not from the discus but from the female endlers. I tried to take the majority out but 2 female remain. This happened before and it's b/c they're eating too much bloodworm and being constipated. I took the majority of the endlers to another tank and no more problem.

I didn't think it was CO2 b/c I have 3 canister filter plus an airstone running. 2 of the canisters are breaking the surface and none of the other fish are gasping for air... can't just happen to ONE fish...?

and yes... I did skip quarantine b/c I didn't have a tank ready. that was my big mistake :(

09-04-2010, 01:40 AM
The white stringy poop you see is just the casings (exoskeleton) of the bloodworms and the endlers aren't the reason your fish died. It could have just been a freak incident of sudden death which isn't too uncommon. Monitor the others for symptoms since you skipped QT.


09-04-2010, 02:29 AM
The white stringy poop you see is just the casings (exoskeleton) of the bloodworms

I don't think so since they're 3-4" long...

From what I can see, their stomach are not collapse, no clamp fins, no rapid breathing, or ANY signs other than NOT EATING!!

09-04-2010, 02:45 AM
I don't think so since they're 3-4" long...

Alright, if they are that long than probably not but still, not the reason for a death that fast.

09-04-2010, 10:08 AM
Alright, if they are that long than probably not but still, not the reason for a death that fast.

is 2 weeks fast? I mean, the others aren't eating either so I'm guessing internal parasite. Should I use PP to treat? or Metro?

09-05-2010, 07:16 AM
is 2 weeks fast? I mean, the others aren't eating either so I'm guessing internal parasite. Should I use PP to treat? or Metro?

Yes its fast if the fishes only symptom was not eating.