View Full Version : how much filteration?

09-04-2010, 07:42 AM
I am in the process of seeding another hydrosponge for my 125 because I will have 11 discus in this tank in a few weeks. The sponges are 1 #5 and 2 # 4 size for a total of 3. Is this enough or overkill?? I feed the discus 4 x a day because there are currently a couple juvies in it now. water changes daily and sponge cleaning will be weekly. I'm also not sure if I will be cleaning the sponges too much by doing them weekly. Advice appreciated.

09-04-2010, 09:22 AM
just a slight squeeze in tank water every few weeks with the sponge filters works for me, more than that and you will loose most of bio. especially with all the water changes, just keep bottom vacuumed.

09-05-2010, 10:00 AM
do you have any other filters on this tank like hang on or canister?

09-05-2010, 10:15 AM
no. I have only the sponge filters.
do you have any other filters on this tank like hang on or canister?

09-05-2010, 10:35 AM
I've always read by squeezing the sponges does not remove the bio; rather, the 'good' bio is positioned well within the sponge and is not normally affected. I would like to hear other opinions on this.

just a slight squeeze in tank water every few weeks with the sponge filters works for me, more than that and you will loose most of bio. especially with all the water changes, just keep bottom vacuumed.

09-05-2010, 10:45 AM
Me too. If I go the 2 weeks now and squeeze out just one sponge in a bucket of tank water the water is so dark/dirty I can't see the sponge! I can't imagine going 3 weeks. I always know when they need cleaning as well, because the water is a little cloudy instead of crystal clear. But as to my original question, is three good for 11 discus in a 125

09-05-2010, 10:46 AM
How much water do you change daily?

I wouldn't squeeze them all out weekly, maybe alternate weekly.

And yes, those 3 sponges will be plenty.


09-05-2010, 10:48 AM
Right now 40-50 % daily as only but what will I need to do? increase?
How much water do you change daily?

I wouldn't squeeze them all out weekly, maybe alternate weekly.


09-05-2010, 10:51 AM
Right now 40-50 % daily as only but what will I need to do? increase?

No, you'll be fine. You have a sand substrate right?

09-05-2010, 10:52 AM
yes pool sand.
No, you'll be fine. You have a sand substrate right?

09-05-2010, 10:59 AM
yes pool sand.

Just gotta be tedious about cleaning it.

09-05-2010, 11:01 AM
When I was first setting up my 29 g breeding tanks after the initial cycle I kept seeing nitrites a few days after I would squeeze out the sponges in aquarium water, even months into cycling.
I'm sure it is a lot harder to loose a cycle on long time cycled sponge, but I just use caution when dealing with filters. I also use hob filters for debris and use sponges strictly as bio.
I am sure too that a lot of the bacteria are on and eating the debris that is in the filter that gets washed out.
In discus tanks with all the wipe downs and water changes I believe the bio colonies are at their low points as it is. In my pleco tanks which don't get the strict cleanings I wash the filters in tap water and don't worry.
I usually give the suggestions about being easy with the sponge cleanings to someone with new sponges or very clean tanks.

09-05-2010, 11:03 AM
Me too. If I go the 2 weeks now and squeeze out just one sponge in a bucket of tank water the water is so dark/dirty I can't see the sponge! I can't imagine going 3 weeks. I always know when they need cleaning as well, because the water is a little cloudy instead of crystal clear. But as to my original question, is three good for 11 discus in a 125

IMO no I would use another source for mechanical cleaning especially if your sponges get that dirty that fast.

09-05-2010, 11:15 AM
IMO no I would use another source for mechanical cleaning especially if your sponges get that dirty that fast.

Definitely can't hurt, since its a a sand bottom display tank.

09-05-2010, 12:53 PM
really?? no weekly cleaning? I can get a hob but they are so noisy.

Definitely can't hurt, since its a a sand bottom display tank.

09-05-2010, 01:30 PM
the aquaclear 110 would be good. I add extra filter floss and a prefilter on the intake. it also sheets the water to help with oxygen levels. I can't hear mine.