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View Full Version : Annubias questions/Flourish excel questions

09-05-2010, 03:01 AM
Hi i have a 55 gallon tank.The tank is stuffed to its gills with annubias,some moss and some amazons
Here are some specs
Fish 6 Angels,6 congos 5 rams,3 cories,and a bunch of otto cats
Lights 36w X 2 pll's 6500k on for 6 hours a day
Micros 6 ml a week dosed one hour before lights off
Macros 1/2 teaspoon of Potassium sulphate and potassium nitrate,1/8th teaspoon of phosphate.
I did not want to invest in a full blown co2 system thats why i have gone the flourish excel way.I went as per the directions did a 40 percent water change and added 40ml the first time.After that have been adding 5ml daily.
Some of the annubias especially the older leaves are getting covered in green spot algae.Any way to get rid of it?Also i do 40 percent water change weekly.Do i need to add that 40 ml again or was it only a first time application?To get rid of the green spot algae should i increase or decrease flourish excel and the other ferts?Are my lights ok?

09-06-2010, 05:47 PM
Hi Hamza,

Green spot algae is common on annubias as they grow slowly so I wouldn't unduly stress over it.

I'm not sure what pll's stand for so can't help there other than to say that 72watts over a 55 for 6 hours isn't quite enough, I'd go for a longer photo period, try at 8 hours for a while but may need to go to 10 hours.

Are you testing the end point when you dose for PO4 and NO3? It sounds a lot for a low tech tank.

It's been a while since I used excell but I seem to recall doing a full dose after each water change.

09-06-2010, 06:47 PM
It is enough light to grow a low light plant like anubias. As mentioned the plant is very slow growing therefore is more susceptible to green spot algae.

The best way to dose with Excel is to spot treat areas with each daily dose using a baster or syringe with airline (or bendy drinking straw) to target specific areas with algae. You get more bang for your buck this way. ;)

If you don't have CO2 or higher light, you don't need to dose such amounts of ferts. You are only encouraging the algae to out compete the plants.

09-08-2010, 01:22 PM
Hello, I have anubias in my tank and I never dose anything and its growing like a weed. I often cut it and give some away.

As for the algae on the leaves, get your self some Amano shrimp, they do an awesome job of all algae on the leaves of plants. My discus don't bother them at all as they are bigger in size. I also have many very teeny tiny cherry shrimp with them too.

09-08-2010, 06:48 PM
It is enough light to grow a low light plant like anubias. As mentioned the plant is very slow growing therefore is more susceptible to green spot algae.

The best way to dose with Excel is to spot treat areas with each daily dose using a baster or syringe with airline (or bendy drinking straw) to target specific areas with algae. You get more bang for your buck this way. ;)

If you don't have CO2 or higher light, you don't need to dose such amounts of ferts. You are only encouraging the algae to out compete the plants.

+1 Cut back on the ferts.