View Full Version : do you guys think 12 discus and 50 cards will look over crowded

09-06-2010, 12:24 PM
just wanted some of your input. im thinking about adding 2 more discus to my 125 gallon show tank. i really dont have much decorations one side of the tank i have a small piece of driftwood and i have a few plants on the back of the tank to cover up the filter . i was wondering if you guys think if 12 adult discus and 50 cardnial tetreas would look over crowded or do you think 10 adult discus and 50 cards would look better just wanted some of your guys oponion thanks

09-06-2010, 01:32 PM

Keith Perkins
09-06-2010, 02:34 PM
Sorry, I'd go with 10 also.

09-06-2010, 07:03 PM
thanks for the replys thats what im probally going to do. this hobby just gets so addicting especially when you buy fish from kenny.you always want more. ill probally just go with 10 discus 50 cards and some cories how many cories do you think i could put in there thanks

Darrell Ward
09-06-2010, 07:08 PM
Forget the cards and cories, and put your 12 discus in. Cards and cories are too small, a waste of money and tank space. A percentage of them will probably not last 6 months anyway.

09-06-2010, 07:47 PM
Forget the cards and cories, and put your 12 discus in. Cards and cories are too small, a waste of money and tank space. A percentage of them will probably not last 6 months anyway.

ya thats an option what if you bought the cards full grown will that matter at all

09-06-2010, 07:53 PM
some will say it's ok and some say not. All mine were eaten. I've just purchased some black neon tetras but still in qt. They are more vibrant than pics show online. bigger than the cards so will see if those get eaten once qt is up.

09-06-2010, 08:05 PM
some will say it's ok and some say not. All mine were eaten. I've just purchased some black neon tetras but still in qt. They are more vibrant than pics show online. bigger than the cards so will see if those get eaten once qt is up.

what about cories have you had an expericnce with these im thinking about trying a few sterbais and some adolfois

09-06-2010, 08:07 PM
i have a single cory. does well in the tank. also have 4 botias which also do well.
what about cories have you had an expericnce with these im thinking about trying a few sterbais and some adolfois

09-06-2010, 08:49 PM

Discus master
09-06-2010, 09:36 PM
just wanted some of your input. im thinking about adding 2 more discus to my 125 gallon show tank. i really dont have much decorations one side of the tank i have a small piece of driftwood and i have a few plants on the back of the tank to cover up the filter . i was wondering if you guys think if 12 adult discus and 50 cardnial tetreas would look over crowded or do you think 10 adult discus and 50 cards would look better just wanted some of your guys oponion thanks

Honestly for me I would love to say go for it and stick to the 10 gallon per Adult discus rule, but with some decor plants and substrate I suppose techniclly that number should come down. I have 6 in a 55 gallon rite now, their not adult yet only a few months old, But with a larger tank like you have really I think 8 or 10 with some decor and the cards you were talking about would be about it not over crowded and pretty much a perfect balance and this is assuming you have good filtration which I am asuming you do. My wife is telling me that within a yer now I can buy a 110 I maybe able to get a bit larger like your 125 but 8 perfect sized adults would be max other than the i grew out from young I am replacing the two smallest ones I own a runt and one runt that actually is ended up stunted, the other 4 are growing nice and getting large. When I get the larger tank all my other tanks have to go that the stipulation for getting a large tank all must go except for one 30 gallon hosp/qt tank. If I get a reeding pair I may talk her into getting another like 40 gallon breeder tank I did not tell her that yet as I know I have some time before any would pair up. So I have to go with adults becuse other than the 30 gallon I would have no tank to grow out new young discus and I want them to be all around the same size or I am afraid they will get pick on. I will be buying those two larger discus to replace my smaller two in the next couple of weeks in the next smallest once ends up eing at the bottom of the pecking order but he is larger enough I doubt he will become stuntded. I alwyas read you should buy one more than you plan on having to be of perfect size for instance if you want 8 perfect discus buy at least 9 and leave the runt in the tank untill all re adults other wise another discus could end up being the runt. In your case though I would stick to what you have they will be much hapier for the swiming space. Where as if you buy two more they may all become un happy becuse of the smaller space to swim in, plus you would have to do a proper qt or risk introducing something nasty to your healthy fish. If anything I would just swap out discus at this point smaller less perfect ones for more expensive better specimens thats if you have any you would like to do that with. Other wise I would just stick with what you have at any rate I would not be looking to increase the number you have maybe just buying and swapin fish out with better ones or maybe a diferent strain you have been wanting for a while. Well thats all the advice I have good luck with whatevr you decide to do my friend, I would love to see some picks and I bet I can speak for the rest of the group sayin so we want picks! what strains do you have now and how old/big are they?

Dave B
09-06-2010, 09:38 PM
I would go with a taller bodied tetra. I'm a fan of the red minor tetras. They've got good color and aren't as likely to become lunch. Also, they're way cheaper than cardinals, at least around here they are.

There are also long finned varieties too, if that's more your style.

Discus master
09-06-2010, 09:42 PM
Forget the cards and cories, and put your 12 discus in. Cards and cories are too small, a waste of money and tank space. A percentage of them will probably not last 6 months anyway.

I have just one cory in my 55 and two loaches that are about 8 months old now they do a pretty good job cleaning up the left overs in the tank, I would actually like to get a few more cories and maybe one or two BN pleco's but yeah I like the idea of 12 if nothing else in the tank adults and with two or three light feedings a day stock it to much and youll be doing juvi style 80% every other day water changes forever. For me I will be happy when I have my 6 discus to adult stage where I an scale back my feeding and water changes a bit been doing this 80% every day for about 4 months just recently went to 80% eeryother day and I feed like 6 times a day its crazy, when I get my 110 I will buy two more adults though from my breeder and settel on 8 large adults in my 110 ten the wife is going to buy me in the next year sweet.

Discus master
09-06-2010, 09:45 PM
i have a single cory. does well in the tank. also have 4 botias which also do well.

Thats funny I have the same as you one cory but I have only 2 boita's angel loches I believe they call them they do not get very big but help with clean up and they are all doing well at 85 - 86 degrees f I thought about a pair of rams or cards my self but decided not to, rams are pretty cool lokking though

09-06-2010, 09:55 PM
Honestly for me I would love to say go for it and stick to the 10 gallon per Adult discus rule, but with some decor plants and substrate I suppose techniclly that number should come down. I have 6 in a 55 gallon rite now, their not adult yet only a few months old, But with a larger tank like you have really I think 8 or 10 with some decor and the cards you were talking about would be about it not over crowded and pretty much a perfect balance and this is assuming you have good filtration which I am asuming you do. My wife is telling me that within a yer now I can buy a 110 I maybe able to get a bit larger like your 125 but 8 perfect sized adults would be max other than the i grew out from young I am replacing the two smallest ones I own a runt and one runt that actually is ended up stunted, the other 4 are growing nice and getting large. When I get the larger tank all my other tanks have to go that the stipulation for getting a large tank all must go except for one 30 gallon hosp/qt tank. If I get a reeding pair I may talk her into getting another like 40 gallon breeder tank I did not tell her that yet as I know I have some time before any would pair up. So I have to go with adults becuse other than the 30 gallon I would have no tank to grow out new young discus and I want them to be all around the same size or I am afraid they will get pick on. I will be buying those two larger discus to replace my smaller two in the next couple of weeks in the next smallest once ends up eing at the bottom of the pecking order but he is larger enough I doubt he will become stuntded. I alwyas read you should buy one more than you plan on having to be of perfect size for instance if you want 8 perfect discus buy at least 9 and leave the runt in the tank untill all re adults other wise another discus could end up being the runt. In your case though I would stick to what you have they will be much hapier for the swiming space. Where as if you buy two more they may all become un happy becuse of the smaller space to swim in, plus you would have to do a proper qt or risk introducing something nasty to your healthy fish. If anything I would just swap out discus at this point smaller less perfect ones for more expensive better specimens thats if you have any you would like to do that with. Other wise I would just stick with what you have at any rate I would not be looking to increase the number you have maybe just buying and swapin fish out with better ones or maybe a diferent strain you have been wanting for a while. Well thats all the advice I have good luck with whatevr you decide to do my friend, I would love to see some picks and I bet I can speak for the rest of the group sayin so we want picks! what strains do you have now and how old/big are they?

thanks for the reply ya im just going to stick with the 10 for now. my strains i have are 9 fish from kenny. 1Penang Eruption,1Ring leopard,1 Eruption leopard,2Blue diamonds,1 Redwhite,1Super flamingo,2Pearl pigeons, and 1 Fire red from Hans. Most of the fish range from5 to 6 inches those being around a year old

09-06-2010, 10:33 PM
i think they clean better than cories and the botias don't get as large as clowns.
Thats funny I have the same as you one cory but I have only 2 boita's angel loches I believe they call them they do not get very big but help with clean up and they are all doing well at 85 - 86 degrees f I thought about a pair of rams or cards my self but decided not to, rams are pretty cool lokking though

09-06-2010, 10:44 PM
some will say it's ok and some say not. All mine were eaten. I've just purchased some black neon tetras but still in qt. They are more vibrant than pics show online. bigger than the cards so will see if those get eaten once qt is up.

The black neon tetras are awesome addition and they dwarf the cardinals in my tank. I've not lost any to the discus at all. You should be very happy with them as they are hardier than the other tetras.

09-06-2010, 10:45 PM
really, I only bought five and they are big. Didn't want to waste more money if they were eaten. I should go get more.
The black neon tetras are awesome addition and they dwarf the cardinals in my tank. I've not lost any to the discus at all. You should be very happy with them as they are hardier than the other tetras.

09-06-2010, 11:06 PM
really, I only bought five and they are big. Didn't want to waste more money if they were eaten. I should go get more.

Once in the main tank you'll see the difference they make and you are truly right, all the pics online do them no justice. They are a beautiful tetra and their colors just POP in the right lighting, a school of 10-12 are just amazing. enjoy

09-07-2010, 08:58 AM
I have about 24 sterbai cory in my tank with my full grown discus and they never even look at them. My corys have bred in the tank as well so all sizes have been fine even the super small ones made it to adult hood.
Cardinals swim with the discus they will get picked off eventually, not always eaten just pecked at!

I would go with 12 discus and cut back on the smaller fish!


Darrell Ward
09-08-2010, 05:25 PM
I have just one cory in my 55 and two loaches that are about 8 months old now they do a pretty good job cleaning up the left overs in the tank, I would actually like to get a few more cories and maybe one or two BN pleco's but yeah I like the idea of 12 if nothing else in the tank adults and with two or three light feedings a day stock it to much and youll be doing juvi style 80% every other day water changes forever. For me I will be happy when I have my 6 discus to adult stage where I an scale back my feeding and water changes a bit been doing this 80% every day for about 4 months just recently went to 80% eeryother day and I feed like 6 times a day its crazy, when I get my 110 I will buy two more adults though from my breeder and settel on 8 large adults in my 110 ten the wife is going to buy me in the next year sweet.

My discus tanks are discus tanks, not community tanks. Several years ago, I got a dozen or so BN plecos because everyone on the forums said they were great in discus tanks. I quarantined the little devils for over a month, they seemed healthy enough, so I put a few in some of my discus tanks. Turns out, these things were carriers of gill flukes! To add insult to injury, they never seemed to clean up anything. They just hid among the driftwood, chewing on it. Never again. Nothing belongs in a discus tank but discus.

09-08-2010, 05:33 PM
I have 12 cories in my tank 5 of them pandas. Some of these are over 2 years old. I never have any left overs on the bottom of the tank. I also have 2 brisltenose and 3 peppermints. I am getting rid of those as all they do is poop. I also have 4 whiptails and adding 2 more. I think they do a great job at eating the alge off the plants and glass

09-08-2010, 05:35 PM
I don't think my cory is much good but the botias are. Sorry Darrel you had such bad experience:(

09-08-2010, 06:34 PM
I just posted today on my blog Aquatic3...that I bought 50 Rummy Nose Tetra for my 125 gallon tank. I talk about how many aquarists overlook the Rummy and how they can act as canary in a coal mine by warning you of water conditions. They are actually true schooling fish and Cardinals are not. Also, many aquarist just assume Cardinals are from South America so they all live in same waters. NOT the case. Rummy live most of their adult live 5+ years vs. 1-2 years for Cardinals in 85 degree water. To spawn they typically need even warmer...up to 91 F. So its a misconception that all Tetras can live in a Discus ecosystem let alone Cardinals who prefer cooler water in the mid 70's.

If you don't have a heavily planted or aquascaped 125 gallon tank, you can go with 12 Discus...but its pushing it. I would rather see 10. Personally my 140 Gallon tank after aquascaped is about 110. So I only plan to start with 6 or 8 Adult Discus and maybe go to 10 max. The only other tank mates will be some pleco (cleaners) and maybe two German Blue Rams.

09-08-2010, 07:31 PM
ok guys thanks for replying to my post. this is what i decided. im going to stick with the 10 discus but i want to put the following in the tank with the discus. Blue rams, cory sterbai, and rummy nose tetras. how many of each would you go with. what im thinking is 6-8 blue rams,6-8 sterbais and 30-40 rummys what do you guys think thanks

09-08-2010, 07:49 PM
still heavy fish load. But would like to see it when your done:)

09-08-2010, 08:03 PM
I just posted today on my blog Aquatic3...that I b
If you don't have a heavily planted or aquascaped 125 gallon tank, you can go with 12 Discus...but its pushing it. I would rather see 10. Personally my 140 Gallon tank after aquascaped is about 110. So I only plan to start with 6 or 8 Adult Discus and maybe go to 10 max. The only ought 50 Rummy Nose Tetra for my 125 gallon tank. I talk about how many aquarists overlook the Rummy and how they can act as canary in a coal mine by warning you of water conditions. They are actually true schooling fish and Cardinals are not. Also, many aquarist just assume Cardinals are from South America so they all live in same waters. NOT the case. Rummy live most of their adult live 5+ years vs. 1-2 years for Cardinals in 85 degree water. To spawn they typically need even warmer...up to 91 F. So its a misconception that all Tetras can live in a Discus ecosystem let alone Cardinals who prefer cooler water in the mid 70's.
other tank mates will be some pleco (cleaners) and maybe two German Blue Rams.

What are you talking about?????????? Cardinals not true schoolers??? They school almost entirely when kept in appropriate numbers.
Assume cardinals are from south america???? Watch the discus collection videos from Brazil what is swimming with them, oh yeah cardinals!!! Where are they from then? Tank raised could be from anywhere but they are still from SA as a species.
1-2 years for cardinals (wild maybe, 3+ easy in tanks) my oldest cardinal was 7 years and quite large.
Cooler water for cardinals??? I never kept mine in less than 79 and they get sluggish at that temp, bump it up and they school like crazy!!
Basically if you have a bare bottom tank yeah dont keep small fish with your discus they will eliminate them from your tank in the end. Planted go for it the small fish will be fine.

Cories in a barebottom tank with big fish is kinda cruel as the cories naturally want to hide and cant so they dart around most of the time, that doesnt seem right, why keep them if you arent giving them the right conditions, same as everyone here says why keep discus if your not going to give them the best. Small does not mean insignificant. My cories have tripled in numbers with my three discus living with them for some time.

ps I would not keep panda cories in high temps they are a little worse for wear, sterbai are better suited for the temps, of course dump in some cold water to get the sterbai to start spawning and youll have little ones all over!!


09-08-2010, 08:34 PM
What are you talking about?????????? Cardinals not true schoolers??? They school almost entirely when kept in appropriate numbers.
Assume cardinals are from south america???? Watch the discus collection videos from Brazil what is swimming with them, oh yeah cardinals!!! Where are they from then? Tank raised could be from anywhere but they are still from SA as a species.
1-2 years for cardinals (wild maybe, 3+ easy in tanks) my oldest cardinal was 7 years and quite large.
Cooler water for cardinals??? I never kept mine in less than 79 and they get sluggish at that temp, bump it up and they school like crazy!!
Basically if you have a bare bottom tank yeah dont keep small fish with your discus they will eliminate them from your tank in the end. Planted go for it the small fish will be fine.

Cories in a barebottom tank with big fish is kinda cruel as the cories naturally want to hide and cant so they dart around most of the time, that doesnt seem right, why keep them if you arent giving them the right conditions, same as everyone here says why keep discus if your not going to give them the best. Small does not mean insignificant. My cories have tripled in numbers with my three discus living with them for some time.

ps I would not keep panda cories in high temps they are a little worse for wear, sterbai are better suited for the temps, of course dump in some cold water to get the sterbai to start spawning and youll have little ones all over!!


I was not clear on post...that's what happens when you're quick about it. When I say assume SA we all know they are from there, but there is a big difference related to the tributaries and water conditions. I shouldn't have said cardinals are NOT shoaling fish, they are like most Tetras...what I meant was in captivity they do NOT show this trait as much as the Rummy's. There are a number of variables necessary for them to truly do it properly. In tanks under 200 gallons and groups smaller than 50 Cardinals just don't stack up. There are hundreds of articles about how they don't last and you can't believe the photo's you see. Many aquariums with many cardinals in it are for there just for photo op. They become lunch for Discus or die and become a meal for plecos. Just my .2 cents. Read my blog. You can buy in or not. Planted Discus aquariums are my focus and so is a balanced ecosystem. If you want Cardinals, Hans, a sponsor on this site has one of the hardiest captive stocks in the country. You'll have better luck with his lot than most. But you'll still lose many.:):):):)

09-09-2010, 07:47 AM
ok fair enough just dont be too quick it can confuse people and can change their whole outlook.
I still dont understand the different tributaries and water conditions? They are found in the same waters swimming with the discus!
They are not the easiest to keep I agree! Hans does have large awesome cardinals!


09-09-2010, 08:02 AM
Dont know how many fish u will go with , but IMO Ancistrus sp. will be a great addition to cleaning crew they will keep and wood and glass and plants squeaky clean