View Full Version : Tank buddies parasite clear ?

09-08-2010, 10:16 AM
Has any one used it on discus ?

09-08-2010, 03:07 PM
I've used it twice with success following the directions on the box for my tank size. I dissolved the tabs before pouring them into the tank. I do recall a post about them where someone did lose fish. A LOT of fish. So I would say use at your own discretion, and keep an eye on the fish when using this product.

09-08-2010, 05:32 PM
they do work. they have pros and cons
pros. very easy to use and it dissolves good
cons. it does not state how much metro is in each does.
www.jehmco.com has it in 100 tabs for a great deal but for even a better deal you can get pure metro powder that you know exactly how much you are adding.

09-08-2010, 05:35 PM
another good thing about the jungle brand is that it is carried at walmart and if you are like me and a night owl and you notice your fish may be ill at 12am you dont have to panic over your fish dying in the next 5mins..lol

09-08-2010, 07:55 PM
Has any one used it on discus ?

Yes but I prefer to treat with something specific, for a specific ailment.

What is the problem with the fish?



09-08-2010, 09:29 PM
Hi eddie. This fish has had lots of dramas. I bought him a while ago when I didnt know any better from a fish shop, He was excreting white stuff and not eating for a while and I put him in hospital and treated with metro and daily water changes, metro for a week and water changes for another week daily. He started eating again but was in bad shape by this stage very thin. I fattened him up and put him back in the display tank after about 1 1/2 months and he turned for the worse again. Stopped eating got dark, So I put him back in hospital. I figured it was a secondary infection. I have since done two buddies treatments 3 days apart. he is eating again.