View Full Version : Few Questions

09-08-2010, 12:54 PM
Hello all, I am just wanting some feedback on a couple of questions.

First off I keep my tank at 80 degrees, I find my pair are very happy at this temp and seemed more agitated when it was at higher temps. I am not wanting to breed them so I don't think this would be a problem.

I recently bought 6 rummynose and lost 2, I have 4 right now and they seem very happy and content. I was inquiring about some cardinals and our local LFS said they must be in higher 82-86 to even have a chance at survival. They also told me that my tank is way to cold for discus and they must be covered in ick. I informed them that I have had them at this temp for the past 2 years and they are very happy and healthy and huge in size. I have never had ick knock on wood with them.

I love the colors of cardinals but they are hard to get here and very expensive. If they are that sensitive I am going to stick with neons as I know they like the 80 temp and mine did very well when I had them.

Don't worry they won't eat the neons, I have the tiniest cherry shrimp in my tank and they don't even give them a second look. They eat alond side the discus.

Just wanting others opinions

09-08-2010, 06:59 PM
Thats the first time I've ever heard that cardinals have to be kept at 82-86 degrees. 78-80 degrees is the normal standard temperture range for freshwater tropical fish, discus being the exception. And if yours are doing fine in 80 degree water theres no need to "fix what aint broke".

09-08-2010, 07:15 PM
My tetras are in my planted discus tank at 84 degrees steady and are healthy and larger than most I have seen in any LFS. They eat with my discus, they swim next to them and it is one big happy community tank.

If your pair are raised in 80 degrees, they will adapt to that temp just like we all get used to temps like 100 + in AZ or 50 in Alaska. Its what they are use to.

And like Shooter says, dont fix what aint broke!