View Full Version : Red Turq and Brilliant Turq Discus Hans Grow-outs from 4/13/10

09-09-2010, 12:17 AM
I've attached some pictures for you guys of the 6 excellent fish that I purchased from Hans back on 4/13/10 at 2.5 inches. I've been feeding these guys a mixture of Al Sabetta's seafood mix without BH and Mal's FDBW that I got from Al too. They've grown very well and I think they've developed a perfect shape but I'll let u guys be the judge of that :P I also have 4 of Larry Waybright's L134 Leopard Frog plecos in that tank and they've been coexisting perfectly and cleaning up the remnants of the seafood mix. For a frame of reference for the size of these monsters the sponge filter in the back is a Hydro V from Kensfish.com

09-09-2010, 02:28 AM
Beautiful & healthy turqs with full potential to grow as stunning adults.:)

09-09-2010, 02:42 AM
Good looking fish, I like the brilliants. Brilliants are my favorite type that Hans provides. ;)

09-09-2010, 05:47 AM
Thanks guys. The brilliant in the upper middle of picture 4 and the red turq on the far right in picture one with the spotted pattern are my favorites from the bunch. I think its really cool how the one RT has a more leopard like pattern. The variation gives the tank a nice sense of variety but the crappy stock lights I'm using really dont bring out the colors in these guys. I'm wondering what color temperature would be best to make the fish look the best? Since I have reds and blues I'm not sure which way to go because as far as I understand it's one way or the other with the lighting to either enhance the blue or the red. I was thinking though that since the red turqs have blue spots if I was gonna go with lights that brought out the blues it would make them look pretty cool as well. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

09-09-2010, 06:42 AM
Discus looking great !! Nice and thick also.. Good job. Keep up the waterchanges and that food. They'll be huge ! David T

William Palumbo
09-09-2010, 08:45 AM
Looking good! Great job. I like both strains. I like the pic of the Brilliant. Hans has some sweet ones, and I am trying to figure out how I never ordered any! All the best with them...Bill