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09-13-2010, 10:32 PM
Hey guys

First time posting and a discus owner for only two weeks. Unfortunately by mistake as an impulse i purchased a single discus due to a sale. However realizing that they are best suited in groups, i purchased another three, all 2.5" juvies. I am definitely up to the challenge of providing a comfortable habitat.

My problem arises from the fact that i placed them in a heavy planted community 65 gallon with
3 german rams
6 false juli cories
1 cockatoo cichlid
1 angelfish
2 otos

I just recently learnt about the necessity to have a bb tank and unfortunately dont have any space for another tank,( i have a 55 and 30 gallon but they are occupied). My tank has been well established with a eheim 2217 and emperor 350, ph 7.2. The issue comes when with the frequent feedings required. Since they are new i can understand the discus are shy enough to miss their feedings. However the other inhabitants in the tank are greedily consuming the food meant for discus.
So simply put would the discus start competing with the other fish for food in time?


09-13-2010, 10:41 PM
Welcome to Simply!

To answer your question, not really. Discus will attack food well in groups but other fish will most likely out compete them, especially the Angel fish.


09-13-2010, 11:00 PM

To answer your question no not really, the discus would be shy away and often would not eat. I say this from experience. I had about 6 juvenile discus in a community tank with angelfish and some neon tetras, the discus didn't compete for food because they were shy and eventually died :(
Hopefully your discus aren't shy enough to do that.

GL :)

09-13-2010, 11:03 PM
In that case what are my options to optimize their growth?

09-13-2010, 11:09 PM
I think it would best to move them to a different tank so they can grow at optimal rate

09-13-2010, 11:14 PM
whats in the 55 and 30, can't you move some of the fish in one of the tanks?

09-13-2010, 11:15 PM
Moving them to their own tank would be good and also buying 3 or 4 more. Only keeping 4 discus together doesn't really qualify as a school. LOL They thrive better in groups for protection/security and aggression is spread between all the fish.

09-13-2010, 11:19 PM
PETCO has $1 per gallon tank sale right now!! if they don't have the size you want.. ask for RAIN CHECK., the sale is over on Saturday.. but you can use the R.C. afterwards.. its CHEAP Price for Aqueon tanks!! if you need to get another..

read my thread about "My name is Skip.. " and you will read about my journey from my beginning mistakes..

trust me.. go BB, PLUS.. spray paint the bottom.. FROM OUTSIDE>. it looks WAY nicer!! i just painted my 29, 30, & 55 today!!!

good luck!


09-13-2010, 11:28 PM
I would have picked up separate tank without a 2nd thought but due the lack of space i cannot purchase one. And as far the 30 and 55, the 30 is brackish tank with puffers and an archer and the 55 is an african cichlid tank lol.

I think the best bet would be for me to return the discus or donate them if they continue not eat.

09-14-2010, 01:52 AM
I think the best bet would be for me to return the discus or donate them if they continue not eat.

Me too

09-14-2010, 11:09 PM
i think u should get rid of the cichlids that's in the 55 gallon. u should put the 4 u have in there and like someone above suggested, get a few more discus to add to the shoal. i've had many of the fish you have but i'm 3 months into having discus and i absolutely love them. or u can get rid of the angels and such in the 65 planted and raise your discus in that. u would just have to do more work cleaning the tank. i'm raising juvies in a 90 gallon planted tank and they are doing really well. it's work but to me it's been worth it. that's just my opinion.

09-15-2010, 07:05 PM
thanks maxpain for your advice. As you probably guessed breaking down the cichlid tank will be a lot of work. However you are correct I am growing quite fond of my two pairs and hoping in time they will start feeding as aggressive as the others.
On a positive note one out of the four has realized that food is available and chowing down.

09-16-2010, 04:59 PM
i was in your situation when i first recieved my discus. i got rid of my angels and other fish that was not compatible with discus. i threw the discus in my planted tank(not literally). i did a 50% wc once a week. after many recommendations from the "pros" here, i'm doing wc twice a week. wish i had time to do more but i'm dong the best i can do for now. anyways, everyone here wants you to succeed in raising discus and most importantly, raise them to their full potential. although my set up may not be "ideal" to growing out juvies, i just want u to know that they are eating, pooping, growing and seem to be happy. i'm sure that they would grow better in a bb but i love the plants and the community setting. i plan on growing out another set of juvies but this time it's going to be in an "ideal" grow out setup.
and you are right, it is a pain to breakdown a cichlid tank. i still have rocks and caves all over my house from breaking mine down a year ago. so keep it and get rid of the other fishies.
another suggestion to get your discus to eat is to feed them some live food or frozen bloodworms. they just might out compete your other fish!

09-19-2010, 11:06 PM
i feel your pain bro. im new to discus too. ive had my 10 fry for 4 or 5 days now and they are eating so slowwwwwly:( they pick and pick and pick and then hide in a corner. but.....i must say, as much as ive been told.....they will come around.