View Full Version : Cant stop thinking about them !

09-14-2010, 09:39 PM
Helloo :)

never posted since i got my angels, :)

i just have to say i cant stop thinking about discus! :coffee:

like i go into the LFS and there they are tauntng me ! Y_Y

then i go onto the internet and there they are,

i think im actually going crazy!

Some of you probably wont get this cause this is awhile back so yeh,

But seriuosly what do i do!

09-14-2010, 09:44 PM
the best cure is to buy some, then spend hours looking at them till the significant other starts wondering where you went and starts calling your friends if they know where you are at.:D

09-14-2010, 09:46 PM
the best cure is to buy some, then spend hours looking at them till the significant other starts wondering where you went and starts calling your friends if they know where you are at.:D

Haha x2 classic

09-14-2010, 09:48 PM
the best cure is to buy some, then spend hours looking at them till the significant other starts wondering where you went and starts calling your friends if they know where you are at.:D

Or you can just get your daily fix buy checking out Kenny's newest shipments. I also find that this can leave the keyboard quite soaked in drool. :D

09-14-2010, 09:50 PM
OMG ! xD i wish ! i just dont have the money , and first i have t prove that i can take really good care of m angels and be responsible , and make abit of money breeding them ;) My biggest is about 4" . but i still wish it was discus !!!!!

And even then i dont know if ill be able to get them cause the didnt like how much care you had do for babies!
but you know, i dont give up easy , im not hopeless, and if i try i might be able to succeed.

09-14-2010, 10:19 PM
Dis1.. i feel the SAME WAY!!! :angel:

09-14-2010, 10:59 PM
lol , just hoping i can get some around my birthday :)

09-14-2010, 11:16 PM
Me neither. Time to get a job I think.

09-14-2010, 11:20 PM
this is what u should do discus 1. look for local breeders or other hobbyist that lives around you. if u don't care how the discus look, ask them to sell you their stunted or runts but only if they are healthy. buy them cheap or maybe they would just donate them to you. this way, u can learn how to care for discus without investing so much money to start. good luck.

09-15-2010, 08:17 PM
sounds like a good idea i know that one of my LFS has such bad discus they were sooo nice when the got them in , they were red checerboard now there completely black. if i got some would there color go back to normal if i gave them water changes and all that?

09-15-2010, 08:30 PM
Sometimes some fish reach the point of no return. But some on this board have proven that miracles do happen from time to time. If the LFS will sell them for less because of their condition - you may not have a lot to loose if you go for it.

09-15-2010, 09:19 PM
Yeah thats what im thinking , it looks like there just stressed there with like 20 red severums, big big clown loaches and probably dont get water changes as often

jus saying if i got it though , would it be alirght in a 10g panted tank for like a week to get it back to health? like its not the big on like 4" across

09-16-2010, 05:18 PM
i wouldn't if u only have a 10 gallon. if u want to increase your chances in bringing them back, u would need a bigger tank. the more water u have the more stable. how many u plan on getting is also important. u should read the threads here on this forum. there's so much information. i'm on this site everyday for about 3 months now and i feel like i just barely scratch the surface. there's people here that's been in this hobby even before we were born. we have some catching up to do. fortunately for us, there are a lot of people here that want to help us raise discus successfully. there's a lot of reading material also. take the time to do research my friend, the info is here. it's a beautiful thing.

09-16-2010, 05:35 PM
yeah ive been on here like that before i know what to do and everything, thanks for the advice though :) i could have it in a 30g then, im not really using it , so itd be perfect :) and i know there supposed to be in groups n; everything, but im just trying out this discus since its stunting probably,

09-16-2010, 09:51 PM
If everything works out I may have a fix for you in a couple months!!!;) Check my post in the photo section. I'm only an hour away!

09-16-2010, 10:16 PM
Oh wow awesome! yehh , i just went to the LFS with the 2 discus and there so sick i dont even wanna try them :vomit:

And then i had a disscusion with my parents again and everything seems fine there kinda agreeing so maybe a chance?

and ill PM u Shorthair :)

09-29-2010, 05:02 PM
did you get some?

Discus master
09-30-2010, 10:47 AM
Oh wow awesome! yehh , i just went to the LFS with the 2 discus and there so sick i dont even wanna try them :vomit:

And then i had a disscusion with my parents again and everything seems fine there kinda agreeing so maybe a chance?

and ill PM u Shorthair :)

If you really want it bad enough just keep talking about it all the time don't let up and keep doing research, make sure evry time your mom sees you on the computer you are reading about discus and asking questions. Also show her all the beautiful strains availible and she make start to think about wanting some of that living art her self. Just a thought:)

09-30-2010, 11:12 AM
dm, does the reverse psychology work for you?? Is that how you get the new tank?:)

Discus master
09-30-2010, 02:28 PM
dm, does the reverse psychology work for you?? Is that how you get the new tank?:)

Oh man, you figured me out Hun, but it's really not that hard to do now is it? men are fairly simple beasts, now women their like mythical creatures that you can't figure out, even with a road map. That should be on a T Shirt or a really long bumper sticker lol.

No I just kiss her A** and get her pretty much wahtever she wants, then I over stock my 55 with 8 discus and say thats cool for now but when they grow out I am going to need a larger tank. Hun what should I do I love them so much and their so pretty especially the ones you helpe pick out. They were so expensive and how could we even begin to think about parting with them. It would be like giving up one of our three lovely girls just becuse of space, we bought a bigger house because of this, at least a bigger tank does not even compare to that rite? I guess it's not so bad to have to up grade besides you can pick out the stand and canopy you want to match "your" living room. then she tells me what kind and color stand and canopy she wants tells me were are getting a 110g

See I let her think its her idea and I don't know what to do and I need her help, buy her things let her be involved in the process and compare it to much more expensive things and so forth and boom I usually get my way:D Besides she knows I have 0 patience and she usually gives in eventually and it normally means shes going to be getting some new and shiny her self. Usually wha I want normally cost me double or more becuse I gotta hook her up to you know. I am a pretty good husband manupulitve but giving and I try to be fair. LOLLOLOLOL Heeeeeee: I am an:angel:

09-30-2010, 03:54 PM
you sneaky bast..d:D
Oh man, you figured me out Hun, but it's really not that hard to do now is it? men are fairly simple beasts, now women their like mythical creatures that you can't figure out, even with a road map. That should be on a T Shirt or a really long bumper sticker lol.

No I just kiss her A** and get her pretty much wahtever she wants, then I over stock my 55 with 8 discus and say thats cool for now but when they grow out I am going to need a larger tank. Hun what should I do I love them so much and their so pretty especially the ones you helpe pick out. They were so expensive and how could we even begin to think about parting with them. It would be like giving up one of our three lovely girls just becuse of space, we bought a bigger house because of this, at least a bigger tank does not even compare to that rite? I guess it's not so bad to have to up grade besides you can pick out the stand and canopy you want to match "your" living room. then she tells me what kind and color stand and canopy she wants tells me were are getting a 110g

See I let her think its her idea and I don't know what to do and I need her help, buy her things let her be involved in the process and compare it to much more expensive things and so forth and boom I usually get my way:D Besides she knows I have 0 patience and she usually gives in eventually and it normally means shes going to be getting some new and shiny her self. Usually wha I want normally cost me double or more becuse I gotta hook her up to you know. I am a pretty good husband manupulitve but giving and I try to be fair. LOLLOLOLOL Heeeeeee: I am an:angel:

09-30-2010, 04:00 PM
DM, let me just tell you a little bit about women. Your wife, she knows EXACTLY what your up to. You see, she's just let you roll on and on about that fish tank,
smiling and grinning behind the " must we get a bigger tank" look. It's just being packed away in the vault. And then one day, she's gonna want something really pricey, and when you grumble and moan, out come the keys to the vault. I swear, I wish I was there to see it:D

Larry Bugg
09-30-2010, 05:08 PM
DM, let me just tell you a little bit about women. Your wife, she knows EXACTLY what your up to. You see, she's just let you roll on and on about that fish tank,
smiling and grinning behind the " must we get a bigger tank" look. It's just being packed away in the vault. And then one day, she's gonna want something really pricey, and when you grumble and moan, out come the keys to the vault. I swear, I wish I was there to see it:D

LOL, How true this is!!!!

09-30-2010, 06:13 PM
hi guys, lol

i do talk to her about them all the time , but whenever i say some bout them shes like " But your still not getting them"

but i have a new idea, i think i might get rid of all my fish right now and get rid of all my tanks!! JUSTKIDDING jeeze thats like a nightmare,

no i might try to get a pair of nic cichlids and get rid of all my fish in the 60g,
and breeding them and sell the fry,

Discus master
10-04-2010, 02:29 PM
DM, let me just tell you a little bit about women. Your wife, she knows EXACTLY what your up to. You see, she's just let you roll on and on about that fish tank,
smiling and grinning behind the " must we get a bigger tank" look. It's just being packed away in the vault. And then one day, she's gonna want something really pricey, and when you grumble and moan, out come the keys to the vault. I swear, I wish I was there to see it:D

Yeah well she has played that card many times over it always goes like that We been together for 12 years married for 10 and I know all about it. Maybe not at first but eventually you are ite and trust me whatever I get I will end up paying double if not more for. If I get a 500$ I know eventially she will cash that chip in and often imes with interest, lol. That ok as long as we are both happy she gets and I get so it works out I just wish it would come out like that instead of trying to act like were being sneaky and one is getting over on the other in the end itbe so much eaiser just to say well you can get that but then next time we got the money I am getting this before anything else you know it is kind of cute but damn those games. lol:D