View Full Version : Background Color

09-15-2010, 01:02 PM
I'm new to the site and discus, but am in the process of setting up a 120g discus community of my own. One issue I can't seem to take a steadfast position on is background color. The back of my tank is currently painted black, but I've been toying with the idea of painting it white or blue. I guess I'm looking for members' input to sway my decision...black, white, or blue?

09-15-2010, 01:38 PM
I'd go with Blue. but depends on what color discus youre planning to get.

09-15-2010, 02:02 PM
That's the thing...I want to keep a discus community, so there will be an assortment of colors. I was thinking black to keep is color neutral as possible. I'm also going to use a tan ceramic tile on the bottom, if it helps in feedback.

09-15-2010, 02:38 PM

09-15-2010, 02:41 PM
This is the coolest one so far that I've seen. Not to throw a wrench in your color scheme:)

and mine is sage and the fish look brilliant against it

09-15-2010, 07:35 PM
Light ocean blue or pastel green would look nice with an assortment of discus.

09-15-2010, 07:45 PM
This is the coolest one so far that I've seen. Not to throw a wrench in your color scheme:)

and mine is sage and the fish look brilliant against it

What strain are those? very nice!

09-15-2010, 08:36 PM
I'm new to the site and discus, but am in the process of setting up a 120g discus community of my own. One issue I can't seem to take a steadfast position on is background color. The back of my tank is currently painted black, but I've been toying with the idea of painting it white or blue. I guess I'm looking for members' input to sway my decision...black, white, or blue?

Just an opinion: Black first, then blue. White ... not so much.

Here's the reasoning:
- Most tropical fish's colours will be highlighted and intensified by the black background. Some discus will look great. Others not so much. But you said community tank so there will be more than just discus. I personally like black backgrounds with white sand.

- Blue (regardless of shade) tends to bring to mind "breeder tank". Don't know what it is, but blue backgrounds to me, makes a statement of "discus hobbyist". Not really a community tank sort of background. Looks very artificial - to me.

- White will just wash out the colours.

Having said that, if you're at all thinking of getting any discus with pigeon blood genes, be prepared for some peppering if you go with a dark background. If you like that sort of thing, cool. If not, be forewarned.


09-15-2010, 09:54 PM
My background on my 125 gallon is painted a light grey and I'll never go back to blue for a freshwater setup again!

If it was a marine or African Cichlid tank I'd do the blue.

Light grey with white sand and a piece of driftwood makes for an outstanding yet simple Discus show tank.

I learned that from a European Hobbyist.

09-16-2010, 12:31 AM
Pics would help!

And to clarify, by community, I meant that the tank would be home to a variety of discus, no other fish. I'm thinking 12 for this tank should be perfect. I've got a Fluval FX5 and Eheim 2217 with UV running on the tank, as well as a Koralia 1000gph powerhead.

09-16-2010, 01:27 AM
Grey seems like the best but what about brown. I like my back grounds to be neutral. I have black on my large cichlid tank and the fish blend into it. I think they like it. My discus tank is the photo of a planted tank but not pressed onto the glass so it's more of a dark blue/green and you can't
see the photo that well. It's hard to explain. IMO that ocean blue should be used foe salt water it just does not look right with fresh. Earth tones I think would be best.

I think photo help you desided what you like so here are some of mine.
Here is my discus tank with out flash so you see how it is in normal light.

Here it is with a flash.

My all solid black back ground for my sa cichlids.

if you like to take photos of your fish and want a clean crisp back ground black is the way to go. Here are my uarus they belend into the black but when it comes to photo time it's looks cool.

09-16-2010, 12:08 PM
I'd go with white. As long as you keep the tank clean its looks nice. If not algae growth and dirty water will really show up.