View Full Version : big O fish. awkwardly wide?

09-20-2010, 12:52 PM
not sure if this is the correct spot to post this. feel free to move. i bought a huge fish yesterday.6.5-adult golden melon.im talking jumbo! i have fish larger around then this fish but not near as wide and bulky.it is swimming with head pointed down somewhat.70%of the time.i see it swimming normal a lot of the time also. its getting around fine and is eating from the surface.im keeping a close eye on it but it looks like this fish is so large that it is just more comfortable swimming with its nose pointed down a little.this fish is every bit of an inch and a half wide at the head,maybe wider!has a huge forehead. is this common with large bulky discus? im not one to name my fish but this one is named urlacher.i will try to post a pic tomorrow of this fish.it has only been in qt tank for about 24 hours so maybe it with straighten up soon.is this somewhat normal or should i be worried? thanks

Discus master
09-20-2010, 01:29 PM
not sure if this is the correct spot to post this. feel free to move. i bought a huge fish yesterday.6.5-adult golden melon.im talking jumbo! i have fish larger around then this fish but not near as wide and bulky.it is swimming with head pointed down somewhat.70%of the time.i see it swimming normal a lot of the time also. its getting around fine and is eating from the surface.im keeping a close eye on it but it looks like this fish is so large that it is just more comfortable swimming with its nose pointed down a little.this fish is every bit of an inch and a half wide at the head,maybe wider!has a huge forehead. is this common with large bulky discus? im not one to name my fish but this one is named urlacher.i will try to post a pic tomorrow of this fish.it has only been in qt tank for about 24 hours so maybe it with straighten up soon.is this somewhat normal or should i be worried? thanks

Due I have no idea ut I would love to see a pic, is it round? Like you know a discus should be? no foot balling of any kind? is the belly swollen or anything like that? It does sound like a big fish I just can not wait to see pics of this thing. I think others may have more insight on this but I am sure pics will help out even more so I will check back when you have pics.

09-20-2010, 01:45 PM
fish is very round.very wide.i have a leopard that is larger but it is not near as wide.and im sure weighs a lot less.i personally have not had a fish this thick before.it seems very healthy just swims a little different and im thinking because of its girth. large round forehead.looks like a barry bonds-discus

Discus master
09-20-2010, 01:56 PM
fish is very round.very wide.i have a leopard that is larger but it is not near as wide.and im sure weighs a lot less.i personally have not had a fish this thick before.it seems very healthy just swims a little different and im thinking because of its girth. large round forehead.looks like a barry bonds-discus

That is starange maybe he ate a lot of fatty foods like a lot of twinkies or something, lol? if he is round like the discus standard and eating and healthy and so forth than I would not worry about you have a nice large fish than, unless there is an underlaying cause I do not know about I would not worry but like i said the pics will help. maybe someone with more experince knows or has an idea of what maybe going on?

09-20-2010, 03:14 PM
for some reason it wont let me put pics in thread.but i made a photo album on my profile if you would like to take a minute to check out the fish.it shows the angle the fish is swimming in the pics.sorry for the bad pics and the fish was not letting me get a head on pic so you could see the large round forehead.

09-20-2010, 03:16 PM

09-20-2010, 03:18 PM

09-20-2010, 03:20 PM

09-20-2010, 03:23 PM
looks to be bulldog x.

09-20-2010, 03:34 PM
yeah i noticed the bull dog face thing going on to. weird sometime i can see it and other times its hidden in its fat face.lol

09-20-2010, 10:22 PM
Well he looks like a real high bodied fish not so much bull dog he has personality I like him. :D

Discus master
09-21-2010, 08:22 AM
yeah i noticed the bull dog face thing going on to. weird sometime i can see it and other times its hidden in its fat face.lol

Yeah he is nice and big!! looks healthy to me though I would not worry at all nice and big no doubt OMG huge!! I cant wait until my 3 - 3.5 inchers are nice and big like that!! I had mine now about 5 months and just bought 3 more now I have 7 + a runt so I leave the runt in until the others are adults and I hipefully will have 7 huge discus like this big guy here!!;)

Discus master
09-21-2010, 08:41 AM
not sure if this is the correct spot to post this. feel free to move. i bought a huge fish yesterday.6.5-adult golden melon.im talking jumbo! i have fish larger around then this fish but not near as wide and bulky.it is swimming with head pointed down somewhat.70%of the time.i see it swimming normal a lot of the time also. its getting around fine and is eating from the surface.im keeping a close eye on it but it looks like this fish is so large that it is just more comfortable swimming with its nose pointed down a little.this fish is every bit of an inch and a half wide at the head,maybe wider!has a huge forehead. is this common with large bulky discus? im not one to name my fish but this one is named urlacher.i will try to post a pic tomorrow of this fish.it has only been in qt tank for about 24 hours so maybe it with straighten up soon.is this somewhat normal or should i be worried? thanks

can I ask you what you paid for him? if you don't mind that is. He is so big I bet he was expensive? Oh and by the way I bought a fish called a SunSet discus recently and he kind of looks like this, in terms of coloration. It is funny how diferent breeders will name their fish that looks a lot like another very closely but a totally diferent name. But my fish does have like a very thin red line all around the roundness of his body rite at the base of his anal and top fins I forget their proper names but it does kind of make it look like the setting or rising sun to be honest, I will have to post pics of it as soon as the wife charges the digital camera this evening been so busy lately with main tank and qt tank plus my 30 gallon community tank and work and kids and wife like no time for anything else let a lone getting pics together lol!

09-21-2010, 08:42 PM
I'd say that fish is a bulldog, although not an extreme example.

Different varieties are thicker or thinner depending on their ancestry. My blue scorps are definitely thicker than my altum flora crosses, for example.

Being chunky across the forehead is a good sign- it generally means that the fish has been well fed and cared for, as does relatively large size... which also varies by variety...

09-21-2010, 10:27 PM
John, being as how we are talking chunky across the forehead, I've yet to see a BD with anything but slim lines?? reason for this??

09-22-2010, 01:46 PM
i paid 100 for this fish and 2 small blue turqs. i have chalked it up that this fish is just plain to big to swim straight.it is a very healthy fish and is keeping the food off the bottom because its not able to keep his charlie brown head up long enough to get some food from the surface.put it this way i have no need for the corys.at feeding time all the fish go to the top he gets ready at the bottom.this fish is honestly funny to watch.i wanted a large red-golden fish for the main focal point of my collection. i got it! lol everyone asks... whats wrong with that one? its special.

Discus master
09-23-2010, 09:55 AM
i paid 100 for this fish and 2 small blue turqs. i have chalked it up that this fish is just plain to big to swim straight.it is a very healthy fish and is keeping the food off the bottom because its not able to keep his charlie brown head up long enough to get some food from the surface.put it this way i have no need for the corys.at feeding time all the fish go to the top he gets ready at the bottom.this fish is honestly funny to watch.i wanted a large red-golden fish for the main focal point of my collection. i got it! lol everyone asks... whats wrong with that one? its special.

Absolutely nothing he is a big boy your going to have to keep him well feed, he is a big boy the fat Albert of discus, and you maybe on to soemthing his fat head is probably to dificult to keep up!