View Full Version : Do I have a Pair?

09-23-2010, 02:58 AM
I have so really nice Wayne NG Blue Titans and a Blue Knight.
Today I saw the Blue Knight cleaning a couple cones with the breeding tube extended. I also saw 2 of the Blue Titans with smaller breeding tubes along with the Blue Knight.

I guess i'll find out soon enough, but could this be 3 females??

thnx, Joe

Elite Aquaria
09-23-2010, 07:45 AM
Female tube is more blunt and thicker. The male is shorter and pointed. I hope you have a pair that would be a fantastic cross. I would love to see some updated photos.

10-09-2010, 04:24 AM
Hey Dan,

I'm trying to get o hold of another camera to take some pics.
I'm positive the female is the Blue Knight and the two males are Blue Titans.

The females breeding tube looks to be about twice as thick as the others but the tip is rounded and not pointed like the others.

Trying to be patient as i see them cleaning 3 different breeding cones and some days the females breeding tube sticks out farther than other days.

doesn't look like they've made a commitment to spawn yet, although they might of and eaten the eggs before i seen them.

i really hope i get some fry from these guys as they are awesome looking Discus i think they would produce really nice fry.

thanks Dan and i'll give you a call soon.


Female tube is more blunt and thicker. The male is shorter and pointed. I hope you have a pair that would be a fantastic cross. I would love to see some updated photos.

Elite Aquaria
10-09-2010, 07:20 AM
Joe, From you descriptions looks like you have some males and a female. Give me a call when you have some time. I would love to catch up with you.