View Full Version : Noisy filter fix

09-23-2010, 10:16 PM
If your like me, you have a boat load of old power filters that just make to much noise to be used in display tanks or living quarters. This is because the coating on the impeller shaft has worn off or irregularly worn in patchy areas making a rattling noise when run.

I found that if I took the impeller out and using heat shrink tubing just big enough to slip over the large grey end. Once I have slipped it on I use a heat gun to shrink the tubing slowly until fairly tight. I then grease the tubing covered impeller shaft with some Vasoline just to give it some slip the first time you start it back up

I have used this successfully on many different kinds of filters and all are still working months later. I now have quite a few spare filters and have made our display tank a joy to watch and not something which we try to drowned out with the tv.

Discus master
09-24-2010, 11:19 AM
If your like me, you have a boat load of old power filters that just make to much noise to be used in display tanks or living quarters. This is because the coating on the impeller shaft has worn off or irregularly worn in patchy areas making a rattling noise when run.

I found that if I took the impeller out and using heat shrink tubing just big enough to slip over the large grey end. Once I have slipped it on I use a heat gun to shrink the tubing slowly until fairly tight. I then grease the tubing covered impeller shaft with some Vasoline just to give it some slip the first time you start it back up

I have used this successfully on many different kinds of filters and all are still working months later. I now have quite a few spare filters and have made our display tank a joy to watch and not something which we try to drowned out with the tv.

it is an additction and certainly not a choice, I am powerless over discus and can not change the things I can't so I just give in foret about it!!! drives my wife nuts but shes awsome sometimes once I found her wipping the entire tank inside and out for me with my fish rags she even knows which ones I use on what and feeds them for me while I am at work she says she ahtes fish but I catch her admiring them and telling me little things about each fish like the only ay she know is if she watched them for extended period of time. I think she gets jealous of the amount of time I spend on them you know all the pampering I put into the discus so I have to make sure I am doing that for her as well. Jeez after 12 years and three girls latter you would think it would not be like that no more. She told me thats it i am done no more tanks no up grading and so forth. Well just two weeks ago she said soemtime in the near future shes letting me go from my 55 gallon to over 100 gallons and shes going to help pay for it as a part of a B dy present or Xmas or whatever. She said thoes 8 discus are ganna get crowded by the time their adults they are 3 - 3.5 inches rite now. So what that say she likes them and all shes somthing else Ill never understand it. Oh I cut my hand the other day she even helped my re start my syphon and vacumed out my tank for me while I told her what to do, crazy. She loves me and my discus she just wont admit the last part of tht lol.:D