View Full Version : OMG I have a pair. Warning Fish porn haha.

09-25-2010, 09:58 PM
So I have these 2 Discus that I thought were pairing up. I have bred other kinds of cichlids and know what cichlid love is like. I just got off work and went to feed them. I see what looks like the breeding tubes. These fish are only 3" maybe 4" with the tail. I think the female might be stunted when I got her.

Female is on the Right male on left.

Breeding tubes.

laying the eggs.
All done

Female laying eggs. I don't think the male did his part. They are guarding the wood but not well. I think they eat the eggs. They don't know what they are doing is what it seems like. Yet are still staying close to their wood. But still exciting for me. Makes me feel like I am doing something right. Because this is my first time keeping discus.

I don't want to breed but its still pretty cool. I would love to see the fry eat off the parents but I don't think I would try and raise any.

Sea Hag
09-25-2010, 11:22 PM
I don't want to breed but its still pretty cool. I would love to see the fry eat off the parents but I don't think I would try and raise any.

I love fishy porn! You say you don't want to raise fry but the minute you see those fry feeding off the slime coat you will change your mind. Trust me, I know of which I speak, lol.

09-26-2010, 12:46 AM
I love fishy porn! You say you don't want to raise fry but the minute you see those fry feeding off the slime coat you will change your mind. Trust me, I know of which I speak, lol.

It's so much work. I raised Cory fry and that was extra work. So we will see. I don't even know if they can have fry. I'm 97% sure they were exposed to hormones. But it's nice to know love is in the tank :) and we will see what happens.

I had to rename them and they are Homer and Marge.

Altum Nut
09-26-2010, 12:50 AM
You may have to name them Homeret and Marge
You can slap me if I'm wrong ...but it appears to me you have two females.
The female laying and the other female not ready yet.


09-26-2010, 02:20 AM
I don't think so the breeding tubes are clearly very differant. The males is smaller and pointed like a pen. I have seen breeding tubes in a few differant fish. Im sure it's male and female. The photo of the male is a weird angle so it's hard to see the differance. From the side it's easy to see the shape. Also this male has let is tubes down before when courting the female. Females only let the tubes down when it's time to lay eggs IME with other cichlids.